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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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502. The Eyes of all wait upon Thee.
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502. The Eyes of all wait upon Thee.


Psalm cxlv.


Bounteous Father! all creation
Raise to thee the suppliant eye:
Every people, tongue, and nation,
On thy liberal hand rely.


Birds, that wheel in rapid motion;
Insects, countless, without end;
Beast of field, and fish of ocean,
Look to thee, their common friend!


Thou hast riches, undiminish'd,
Though thine aid all worlds implore;
Ever varied, still replenish'd,
From thine own exhaustless store!


On thy gifts have we been feeding,
From our birth, in rich supplies;


But the gift, all else exceeding,
In the Saviour's advent lies!


Finite blessings claim our praises,
(Shown to creatures who rebel!)
But our heavenly prospect raises
Thanks too vast for tongue to tell!