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by William Ernest Henley

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[This world, all hoary]

This world, all hoary
With song and story,
Rolls in a glory
Of youth and mirth;


Above and under
Clothed on with wonder,
Sunrise and thunder,
And death and birth.
His broods befriending
With grace unending
And gifts transcending
A god 's at play,
Yet do his meetness
And sovran sweetness
Hold in the jocund purpose of May.
So take your pleasure,
And in full measure
Use of your treasure,
When birds sing best!
For when heaven 's bluest,
And earth feels newest,
And love longs truest,
And takes not rest:
When winds blow cleanest,
And seas roll sheenest,
And lawns lie greenest:
Then, night and day,
Dear life counts dearest,
And God walks nearest
To them that praise Him, praising His May.