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or, Britans Second Remembrancer, bringing to Remembrance (in praisefull and Poenitentiall Hymns, Spirituall Songs, and Morall-Odes): Meditations, advancing the glory of God, in the practise of Pietie and Vertue; and applyed to easie Tunes, to be Sung in Families, &c. Composed in a three-fold Volume, by George Wither. The first, contains Hymns-Occasionall. The second, Hymns-Temporary. The third, Hymns-Personall. That all Persons, according to their Degrees, and Qualities, may at all Times, and upon all eminent Occasions, be remembred to praise God; and to be mindfull of their Duties

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Hymn XL. For All-Saints-Day.


This Day we commemorate the Mystery of the Communion of SAINTS, which shall be made perfect, when the holy Trinitie, The Angels and all the HOLIES and blessed Elect of God shall be incorporated into a joyfull, and unspeakable,


and inseparable Vnion, in the Kingdome of Heaven, which the Almightie hasten. Amen.

Sing this as the former.


No Blisse can so contenting prove,
As universall-Love, to gaine,
If we, with Full-requiting-Love,
Could such Affection entertain.
But, such a Love, the Heart of Man,
Nor comprehend, nor merit can.


For, though to all we might be dear,
(Which, cannot in this Life, befall)
We discontented should appear,
Because, we had not Heart for all;
That we might all men Love, as we
Beloved, would of all men be.


For, Love in Loving, Joyes as much,
As, Love for Loving to obtain.
The perfect Love, is alway such,
And cannot part it Self in twain;
Or Love receive; but where it may
With Truest Love, True-Love repay.


Love cannot in it self be two.
The Object of True Love, therefore,
An Vnite is, which cannot grow
To be in ESSENCE, two, or more.
In Rivals-Loves, no Love is known.
And Love-divided, loveth none.


By Love in Fraction, vext are we
Whil'st here on earth we do remain;


And if in Heav'n such Love could be,
Sure Heav'n would be a place of pain,
And, Saints, perhaps, would jealous prove,
Of Gods, or of each others Love.


But, He whose wisdome hath contriv'd,
His Glorie with our full content
Hath from himself a means deriv'd,
Our Loves distractions to prevent.
One Body of all Saints he makes;
And, for his Bride, that One, he takes.


So, ev'ry member doth obtain
Full Love from all, returning too,
Full to All, of them again,
As members of one Body do;
None Jealous; but, all striving how
Most Love to others to allow.


For, as the Soul is All in All,
(And, All through ev'ry member too)
Love, in that Body-Mysticall;
Is as the Soul, and fits it so:
Vniting them to God, as near,
As to each other, they are dear.


The Love they want to entertain
Such overflowing Love as his,
He adds; which they return again
To make up Love which perfect is.
That, he may his own Love imploy,
And, both find perfect Love and Joy.


The seed of this Content was sown,
When GOD, the spatious world did frame;


And, ever since, that seed hath grown,
To be an Honour to his Name.
And, when the SAINTS are sealed all,
This hidden Truth unseal he shall.


Meanwhile, as when Woods, Hils and Seas,
In Landskip shadow'd forth, we shew,
And, therewithall our Fancies please,
Though we their substance do not view:
So, Contemplations-Map may shew,
Dim sights, of that which we shall know.


And, though our Hearts too shallow be,
That blest Communion to conceive,
Whereof, in Heav'n we shall be free,
Let us, on Earth together cleave;
Since none shall tast that Blessing, there,
But, they who live in Vnion here.


There, all those Angels we admir'd,
With ev'ry Saint, since Time begun,
(Whose Love, and Sight, we have desir'd)
Shall joyned be with us, in One;
And We, and They, and they, and We,
To GOD himself espouz'd shall be.


Oh! therefore, let us watch and pray,
With Lamps, and Oyle, still so prepar'd,
That, on the LAMBS great Marriage-day,
We be not from this Wedding barr'd;
But, find a free Admittance there,
Where GOD, and all his HOLIES are.