University of Virginia Library


Eftir the feild Enee maid sacrifyce,
Offerand the spulȝe to Mars, as was the gyss.
Duryng this quhile, furth of the sey dyd spryng
The fresch Aurora with the brycht dawyng.
Ene, albeyt hys hasty thochtfull curis
Constrenyt hym, as twychyng sepulturis
Of hys folkis new slane and berying,
Forto provide a tyme mast accordyng,
And gretly eik in mynd he trublyt was
For the slauchtyr and ded corps of Pallas;
Ȝit netheless, as first the son vpsprent,
Scheddyng hys bemys in the orient,
As victor he onto the goddis als tyte
With sacryfyce can hys vowys acquyte.
Ane akyn tre, was huge gret and squar,
The branschis sned and kut abowt alquhar,
Apon a motys hycht vpset hass he,
And all with schynand armour cled the tre;
The coyt armour and spulȝe tharon hang
Of Meȝentius, the vailȝeand campion strang;
To the, gret god of stryfe, armypotent,
In syng of trophe tharon was vpstent
Hys cryst and hewmet all besprent with blude,
The brokyn trunschions of hys speris rude,
And hys fyne hawbyrk, with speir, swerd and macis,
Assayt and persyt into twyss sax placis;
Hys stelyt scheild dyd on the left syde hyng;
Abowt hys gorget, or hys nek armyng,
Was hung hys swerd with evor scawbart fyne.
And thus exortis Ene hys ferys syne,
The chiftanys all abowt hym lowkyt war,
Quhilk glaidsum warryn of this ioyus fair:
“O douchty men,” quod he, “worthy in weris,
The grettast part of our warkis and afferis
Beyn endit now, sa that in tyme cummyng
All feir and dreid ar passyt of ony thyng:


Thir bene the spulȝe and first weirly weid
Reft from the prowd kyng be my handis in deid;
Lo, heir Meȝentius venquyst lyis doun bet.
Now to the wallys of Lawrent and the ȝet
The way is maid to Kyng Latyn to wend.
Tharfor address ȝour myndis, and attend
To armys and to weirfar euery ane,
Provydand in ȝour consatis for bargane;
So that ȝhe reddy be, and na delay
May stoppyn ȝou, nor stunnys ane other day,
Be ȝour awyn sleuth, for lak of gude forsycht,
Gif ȝe onwarnyst beys callyt to the fycht:
Alssone as fyrst the goddis omnipotent
By sum sygnys or takyn lyst consent
The ensenȝeis and baneris be vphynt,
And all the ȝonkeris meyt for swerdis dynt,
Of thar tentis convoyt in array,
Se ȝhe all reddy be than, but delay.
And in the meyn quhile, lat ws to erd haue
The corpsys of our fallowys onbegrave,
Quhilk only honour is haldyn in daynte
At Acheron, the lawest hellys see.
Pass on,” he said, “tha sawlys valȝeant,
Quhilk, with habundans of thar blud besprent,
Hass conquyst ws this realm apon sik wyss,
Do honour with thar funeral servys,
And wirschip with thar finale last rewardis.
Bot first, befor all corpsis of tha lardis,
Ontill Evandrys dolorus cite
Of ȝong Pallas the body send mon we,
Quham, wantand na vertu nor prowes,
The wofull day hess ws byreft express,
And with a wofull slauchter caucht, allace!”
Thus said he, wepand salt terys our hys face;
Syne tuke hys vayage towart the ilk sted
Quhar Pallas lyfless corps was lyggand ded;
Quham ancyent Acetes thar dyd kepe,
With flottyryt berd of terys all beweip;


The quhilk Acetes had tofor ybe
Squyer to Kyng Evander, from the cite
Of Parrha cummyn into Arcady,
And at thys tyme was send in cumpany
With hys deir fostyr child he had in cur,
Bot not, as ayr, with happy aventur.
About the corps alhaill the multitud
Of servyturis and Troiane commonys stud,
And dolorus Phrigyane wemen, on thar gyss,
With hair down schaik, and petuus spraichis and cryis.
Bot, fra that enterit was Eneas bald
Within the portis of that large hald,
A huge clamour thai rasyt and womentyng,
Betand thar brestis quhill all the lyft dyd ryng;
So lowd thar wofull bewalyng habundis
That all the palyce dynnys and resoundis.
Thys prynce hym self, fra that he dyd behald
The snaw quhite vissage of this Pallas bald,
Hys hed vphald, mycht nocht the self sustene,
And eik the gapand dedly wond hess sene,
Maid by the sperys hed Rutilyane
Amyd hys sneith and fair slekyt breist bane,
With terys brystand from hys eyn, thus plenyt:
“O douchty child, maist worthy tobe menyt,
Hass fortoun me envyit sa far that, eft
Our weill is cummyn, thus thou art me bereft,
Sa that thou suld not se our ryng,” said he,
“Nor ȝit as victor with prosperyte
Onto thy faderis cite hame retour?
Syk promyss hecht I not the lattir hour
To thy fader Evandrus, quhen that he
At my departyng last embrasyt me,
And send me to conquyss a large empyre;
And, dredand syk for the, that lordly syre
Vs monyst tobe war and avyse,
Becauss the men quhamwith to do had we
War bald and stern; said we had wer at hand
With bustuus folk that weill in stryfe durst stand.


Now, certis, he levand in hoip, invane,
For thy prosper returnyng haym agane
Perchans doith mak prayer and offerandis,
Chargand the altaris oft with hys awyn handis:
Bot we hys lyfless child, quhilk aw na thyng
Onto the goddis of the hevynly ryng,
With womentyng heir menand tendyrly,
And vayn honour, accumpaneis by and by.
O fey onhappy kyng Archadian!
Now thy sonnys ded corps crewelly slane
Thou salbehald: allace, the panys strang!
This is our haymcom thou desyrit lang;
This salbe our triumphe thou lang abaid,
To se thy a son on hys beir tre laid!
Ha, quhat, is this my promyss and gret faith?
Bot, O Evander, beys not with me wraith;
Thou sall not se thy son was dryve abak
With schamefull wondis that he caucht in the bak;
Ne thou hys fader, war he alyve this day,
Suld nevir haue lak of hym, ne for hym pray
For hys desert he deit a schamefull deth;
And now with honour hess he ȝald the breth.
Bot, netheless, quhat harm, ful ways me!
Quhou large support, hey, quhat beld or supple
In hym hess tynt Ausonya the ryng,
And quhou gret deill hess lost Ascanyus ȝyng!”