University of Virginia Library


Awake the organ's pealing tone,
And bid the grateful anthem swell,
To make Jehovah's goodness known,
And of his wondrous mercies tell.
Creator, Father, Saviour, Lord!
To raise from hell our fallen race
He gave himself—he gave his Word,
And gives us still his quick'ning grace.
Here, when the seed of truth was cast,
His saw the tender, trembling shoot,
And screened it from the wintry blast—
The vine is his, and his the fruit.
'T was warmed by Love's celestial ray;
While lucid truths, like heavenly dew,
With liquid pearls begemmed the spray,
And like an Eden plant it grew.


This dawning year beholds it grown
A little vineyard. Lord, to thee
We yield the fruits—they are thine own:
The planter, thou—the laborers, we.
This vineyard now in orders stands,
Thy laws of order are divine!
Accept this tribute at our hands—
Almighty God, the work was thine.