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An extraordinary Court held for Virginia on Wedensday the 30 of Aprill i622

An extraordinary Court held for
Virginia on Wedensday the 30 of Aprill



Lo: Cauendish.  mr Ditchfeild.  mr Webb. 
Sr Io: Dauers.  mr Edwardℯ.  mr Sparrowe. 
mr Deputy ffarrar.  mr Rogers.  mr Mellinge. 
mr Gibbs.  mr Caswell.  mr Cuffe. 
mr Wrote.  mr Wiseman.  mr Caninge. 
mr Ro: Smith.  mr Iadwin.  with diuers others. 
mr Tomlins.  mr Woodall. 
mr Nicho ffarrar.  mr Geo: Smith. 
mr Meuerell. 

The Sum̃er Ilandℯ Court held this Afternoone beinge dissolued and
the Virginia Cort sett mr Dep̃ty signified that vpon a proposic̃on for-


merly made, vpon the good successe it pleased God to giue mr Gookin
this last Sumer in transportinge his people and cattle safely to Vir-
ginia certen gentlemen of Ireland nowe in Towne beinge much encour-
aged and not able to stay till next yeare made an offer to vndertake
the like performance as mr Gookin had donn, so as they might knowe
and be assured aforehand at what ratℯ they should be able to put of
their Cattle in Virginia at their cominge there wch offer the Court tak-
inge into considerac̃on did at length agree that for the better encour-
agement of such vndertakers they should haue for euery Heifer of our
right English breed of twoe yeares old and vpwards deliuered safe and
sound in Virginia allowed them there either 130 waight of Tobacco
or 11li in money at their elecc̃on for wch they should haue the Com-
panies Seale for their security.[346]

And whereas the said vndertakers did likewise make offer to trans-
port out of Ireland 20 or 30 able youthes of 16: or 17 yeares of age
to Virginia to be Apprentices for 6 or 7 yeares in the Companies ser-
uice wth 40s a peece in Apparrell wch they would deliuer safe in Vir-
ginia at the rate of 8li the person in money or a Cli waight of Tobacco
the Court likinge well of this their offer, are contented vpon Certifi-
cate as aforesaid to giue that allowance either in money or Tobacco
at their elecc̃on as is desired.

Vpon notice giuen that one mr Hawes pretends he hath diuers bills
of Exchange remayninge in his handℯ §of§ good Som̃es of money due
vnto him from ye Virginia Companie the Court doth desires that he
make his Demaundℯ in writinge and present them on Monday next to
mr Deputy that the next Court may take them into their considerac̃on.