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In addition to the high school work specified above, a candidate for admission
to the Department of Medicine must present evidence of the completion
of thirty session hours of collegiate work in a college approved by
the Council on Medical Education of the American Medical Association.
A session-hour is the credit value of one hour a week of lecture or recitation
or two hours a week of laboratory work throughout a session of at
least thirty-two weeks, exclusive of holidays. The subjects included in the
thirty session-hours of college work should be in accordance with the following

Required Subjects:  Session-hours. 
Chemistry (a) 
Physics (b) 
Biology (c) 
English Composition and Literature (d) 
Other non-science subjects, including one modern foreign
language (e) 

    Subjects Strongly Urged:


    Page 155
  • French or German.

  • Advanced Botany or Advanced Zoölogy.

  • Psychology.

  • Advanced Algebra, Solid Geometry, and Trigonometry.

  • Additional courses in Chemistry.

    Other Suggested Electives:

  • English (additional), Economics, History, Sociology, Political Science,
    Logic, Mathematics, Latin, Greek, Drawing.