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[86] These tricks appeared originally in Beeton's Christmas Annual, and are here reproduced with permission.

ALTHOUGH my work is a history of gambling, in all its horrors, and with all its terrible moral warnings, I gladly conclude it `happily,' after the manner of the most pleasing novels and romances, — namely, by a method of contriving innocent and interesting amusement with cards, without the `chance' of encountering the risks, calamities, and disgrace of gambling.

I was led to the investigation of this branch of my subject by the following incident. Being present at a party when a gentleman performed one of the tricks described, No. 7, the rest of the company and myself were all much surprised at the result, and urgently requested him to explain the method of his performance, which, however, he


stoutly refused to do, averring that he would not take £1000 for it. This was so ridiculously provoking that I offered to bet him £5 that I would discover the method within 24 hours. To my astonishment he declined the bet, not, however, without a sort of compliment, admitting that I might do so. He was right; for, as Edgar Poe averred, no man can invent a puzzle which some other man cannot unravel. In effect, I called upon him the following day, and performed the trick not only according to his method, but also by another, equally successful. I have reason to believe that most of the tricks of my selection had not previously appeared in print; at any rate, I have given to all of them an exposition which may entitle them to some claim of originality.