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Metrodorus minde to the contrarie.

What race of life ronne you? what trade will you assaye?
In courts, is glory gott, and witt encreased daye by daye.
At home, wee take our ease, and beak our selues in rest:
The feelds our nature doo refresh with pleasures of the best.
On seas, is gayn to gett: the straunger, hee shall bee
Esteemed, hauing much: if not, none knoweth his lack, but hee.
A wife will trym thy house: no wife? then art thou free.
Brood is a louely thing: without, thy life is loose to thee.
Yong bloods be strong: old sires in double honour dwell.
Doo waye that choys, no life, or soon to dye: for all is well.