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De sancto Ieronimo

Sein Ieromin was swuþe god clerk & wis þoru alle þinge
Muche he made of Godes seruise þat me deþ in churche singe
For Teodose þe emperor þat þulke tyme was
Isei þe seruise of churche þat noþing iordred nas
He bad sein Ieromine þat he ssolde riȝt ordre þerof worche
He ordeinede þo þe seruise þat me sing in Holy Churche


And suþþe it was þoru þe pope of Rome iconfermed also
Wel aȝte me honuri him þat ferst is broȝt þerto
Sein Ieromin was an holy monk and abbot also
God hadde of is priuete so muche on him ido
Þat he inis bok wrot and sede of þe viftene toknynge
Þat oure Louerd aȝen Domesday grisliche an eorþe brynge
As sein Ieromin ȝeode up and doun inis abbei a day
A lion haltinge com inward atte ȝete he say
Þo þe monkes him iseie hi gonne aturne for drede
Ou foles quaþ sein Ieromine wo teiȝte ȝou so fol dede
To fle[o] for a gist wanne ȝe ssolde faire aȝen him gon
Aȝen him ȝeode þis holyman and wolcomede him anon
Þis lion lotte to him anon and bi him faste stod
An[d] haf up is sore uot wiþ wel dreri mod
Sein Ieromin a mon[k] het to wasse is fet anon
And þat sor suþþe ofseche ȝif him were ibroke eny bon
So þat hi fonde þat a þorn þer inne ismite was
Sein Ieromine held þe uot anon holor neuere he nas
Þis lion lotte to him anon and honurede him also
Þis godeman him het mete ȝiue as me ssolde a gist do
Þis leon et wel mildeliche wat oure Louerd him wolde sende
He bileuede þer tame inou a fot he nolde wende
Þe monekes it ofþoȝte sore for hi were adrad also
Wan he wolde turne to is kunde & eni of ham harm do
Hi made þe ȝet wanne hi weste [] him wiþoute agon
Ac me ne ssolde it noȝt suþþe vndo þat he nolde in anon
Þe monkes tolde þe abbot fore of ȝare drede a day
Þis leon wende forþ mid him þo he þis ysay
Maister þou ert quaþ sein Ieromine to longe gist nou non


Oþer þou most þi mete ofswinke oþer hom aȝen gon
Oure asse geþ to wode adai to bringe elot to oure celle
We ne dorre noȝt bileue in hure lese leste bestes hure quelle
Ne we ne mowe noȝt hure wel uede atom þeruore þou hast myn heste
To wite hure wel in hure lese fram eche wilde beste
Þe lyon after þulke tyme nolde noday bileue
Þat he nolde þe asse driue aueld & bringe hure hom an eue
And driue hure also up and doun as best mete were
And wanne he[o] misȝeode driue aȝen wiþinne þe riȝte mere
After þat þe asse him was bitake fram hure he nolde gon
Hit were betere is kunde to strangli him as ȝe wyteþ echon
A dai þe wile he weste þe asse in hure lese auelde
For werinesse þe lion slep as it fel er wel selde
Chepmen come þerforþ þe wile & þis asse awei ladde
Þo þe lion awok and hure miste wel loude he ȝal & gradde
And orn aboute & soȝte hure wide forte it was aȝen eue
Dreriliche he ȝeode hom þo he nemiȝte leng bileue
Þo he com hom wiþoute he stod he ne dorste go in for doute
Þo hi seie him come wiþoute þe asse & sori also wiþoute
H[i] wende þat he hadde for honger aueld þe asse iȝete
Hi gonne to chide & nadde yment to ȝiue him nanne mete
For honger he ȝal deoluoliche hi het hym aueld gon
And ete þat he hadde bileued and achoke him þerwiþ anon
So þat he ȝal so pitesliche þat hi hadde reuþe echon


And wende aueld ȝif hi miȝte finde eny her oþer bon
Hom wondrede þo hi ne fonde noȝt for ȝif he ȝete were
Som wat þer wolde habbe bileued of bon oþer of here
Sein Ieromine hi tolde uore hou he les is make
Seie maister quaþ þis godeman hou hastou on itake
Oure best we toke þe to warde & þou hure hast awei do
And we habbeþ defaute of oure wode ne sseltou ascapie so
Oþer bring hom oure asse oþer þou wost þat þou most nede
Bringe hom oure wode in hure steode oþer we nolleþ noȝt þe fede
Þe lion bigan to vauni þo as wo seiþ ichelle vawe
Fram daie to daie as ȝoure [asse] ȝoure wode hom drawe
Boþe on rugge & on carte bocsomliche inou
Mildore þanne þe asse dude hare wode hom he drou
And naþeles it bicom him vuele such mester to do
Ich wene þere nis non of ȝou þat him ssolde bringe þerto
A wonder cartare he was on ware were is wilde pas
Wanne we habbeþ al itold a uair miracle þer was
Þo þis wilde best aȝen kunde so hadde iserued longe
A day as he aueld was is charge to vnderuonge
Þis chepmen he sei wel uer come wiþ camailes moni & fale
And þis asse al biuore hi ladde þing to sale
Anon so þis leon isay þe asse he gan forþ to gon
Þe chepmen þo hi seie him come for drede atorne echon
For ȝam was leuere to leose ȝare god þanne ham sulf beo todrawe
Þo þe lion to þe asse com ne ess noȝt ȝif he were vawe
Signe of loue as he couþe he made & of mone
Þis camailes icharged were wiþ eoly euerichone
Wiþ is tail þis lion harde smot & biuore him he drof alle
Þe sackes were so faste ibonde þat hy nemiȝte noȝt falle


So þat þe lion ȝam alle drof biuore him to þe abbeie
Ne dorste non ar hi þuder come ene go out of þe weie
Þo hi come to þe abbei þe freres wondrede echone
Þe lion ladde þe asse bihinde as a maister al one
A bold maister he was on and of gret poer also
Suþþe wanne was it is kunde such maistrie to do
Þo sein Ieromine isei þe camailes þe freres he het forþ gon
To vnderfonge þe gistes faire & wasse ȝare uet echon
As þei it were to merci bidde he nebileuede noȝt on
Þat þe lion newende fram monk to monk & lotte to echon
Euere he ladde wiþ him þe asse as wo seiþ lo her
Him for wan ȝe chidde wiþ me nou ȝe witeþ me sker
Þis freres for þe faire miracle þoȝte gret wonder alle
Þe bestes fet hy wosse clene and teide ham in ȝare stalle
Biuore ȝam hi leide mete inou þat eoly hi helede uaste
Forte þat þer come enymon to esse it attelaste
Amorwe þe chepmen come echon merci forto crie
To þe abbotes fet hi folde adoun for ȝare tricherie
Þat hi is asse hadde istole forȝifnesse hi him bede
And bede hom nyme hore eoly al for ȝare luþer dede
So þat somdel aȝen is wille hi bileuede þere
Of al ȝare eoly haluondel and þat oþer awei bere
And made a chartre to þe hous eche ȝer þuder sende
Hi and ȝare eirs so muche eoly to þe worldes ende
Ȝute is þulke rente iholde and euere mo worþ so
Þis was me þincþ a uair miracle for sein Ieromin ido
Þis holymon sein Ieromin gret clerk was and wis
And nameliche of deuinite þat of alle oþere is pris
And forto be[o] þe deppore clerk bokes he tok a day
Of Platon and of Ciþero þat were of þe oþer lay


Þer on [he] studede muche and naþeles for gode
Þat he þe clergie of God þe bet vnderstode
As he lay a niȝt aslepe grete men and wise
Com him þoȝte & ladde him forþ byuore an hei Iustice
So gret liȝt þer was and cler aboute in a stonde
Þat enes [he] nemiȝte loki up ac fel doun to gronde
Hi esste him anon to wat manere his bileue he nom
Merci he sede wel ȝe witeþ þat to Cristendom
Þou luxt loude quaþ þe Iustice hit nis noþing so
Ac þou ert of Platon is lawe and of Ciþero
Nou were hi tweie wise clerkes ar God were ibore
Ac for hi ne vnderstode noȝt of God me seiþ hi beoþ forlore
Þat folk þat stod þere aboute as þe Iustice het anon
Tormentede þis seliman þat wo was him bygon
A merci merci ofte he sede swete Louerd þin ore
Merci swete Iesu Crist inelle misdo namore
Ich forsake here Ciþero & Platon & ȝare lore
Haue merci ich bidde of me my limes akeþ so sore
Attelaste þo he was ibete þat he nuste woder wende
Þat folk þat him stod aboute dude as þe hende
And for him bede þe Iustice and sat adoun akne[o]
Forte forȝiue him þulke gult and merciable be[o]
Atte laste þe Iustice somdel aswagi bigan
Ichelle he sede at þis time habbe merci of þis man
In such manere ȝif he deþ such trespas amore
Þat he ssel be[o] tormented such twenti so sore
Sein Ieromin it grantede wel & studefastliche [b]ihet
And þis Iustice him deliuerede and al sauf him let
Þis godeman uelde is limes ake wel sore þo he awok
Euere eft after þulke tyme suche bokes he forsok
Somdel harde he was iwarned is bodi wel sore ok
To bokes of diuinite al clanliche he tok
He studede in Belhem sixe and vifti ȝer
And of diuinite made bokes þat nere neuer er


Þat of noble cleregie ȝute beoþ þoru al Cristendom
War þoru suþþe many clerk in to god clergie com
Attelaste þis godeman as God to him sende
In Godes seruice deide and to þe ioie of heuene wende
He deide þre[o] hondred ȝer & foure & þritti riȝt
After þat oure swete Louerd inis moder was aliȝt
And also in þe twelfþe ȝer of þe god emperor
Theodose þe ȝongore þat of ech godnesse was flour
Four score ȝer & eiȝte ȝer and sixe monþes also
In gode liue he liuede her ar is lif were ido
Ibured he was in Belhem is put him sulf he wroȝte
In an old dich and het is monkes þat hi þer inne him broȝte
Þer inne him burede þis monkes þat was is liues ende
Nou God us brynge to þulke ioie þat is soule gan to wende