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Divine Fancies

Digested into Epigrammes, Meditations, and Observations. By Fra: Quarles

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44. On Haman and Mordecay .

The King wold fain take rest; But thought denies
To pay her nightly Tribute to his eyes:
The Persian Cronicle must be brought, to set
His eyes in quiet, till they'r payd the debt:
He turnes the leaves; The first he lights upon,
Is the true service Mordecay had done:
Heav'n often works his ends, at such a season,
When Man has will to banish sense, and Reason:
His loyall service must be now recall'd
To blest remembrance: Haman must be call'd
To Councell; question'd, but not know the thing,
The King intends; He must advise the King,
What Ceremony must be us'd, what Cost,
What Honor, where the King shall honor most?
Observe but in the Progresse of this Story,
How God turnes Factor for his Servants glory:
Haman perswaded that such honour can
Fit none but him; nere questions, Who's the Man?
His more ambitious thoughts are now providing
A Horse of State, for his owne Princely riding;
In briefe; his Iudgement is, That such a One,
Must lack no Honor, but the Royall Throne:
How apt is Man to flatter his owne heart!
How faire a Debter to his false desert!
The royall Horse is ready, all things fit,
That could be broach'd by a vain-glorious witt:
Haman expects his answere; His Ambition
Spurrs on, wants nothing but his large Commission:


Haman must haste with all the speed he can,
And see it done: But Mordecay's the Man:
God often crownes his Servants at their Cost,
That hate their persons, and disdaine them most:
Lord, if thou please to make me but thine owne,
I shall have Honour, spight of Honours frowne.