University of Virginia Library


3 Patience Exercised under Ambition

I come unto another Fist that box
Doth Patience on the Eare and on her Chops.
And yet [i]n stead of Swelling at it, loe
Her Face with Shines of Glory rich doth grow.
Pride and Ambition by abusing her
Do glorify her by their bloody Spur.
The Roman Prelates swell with pride so great
As if they all eat poison stead of meat
Or like a pair of strutting Bagpipes blown
Make musick, all must dance after and own.


Pope Gregory barks at the eastern John.

Yet wares such pride himselfe a Stately Don
Sending to Austin now in Englands Chair
A great Archbishops Pall as if there were
Archbishop-efficacy in its hems
And folds there lapt What right, gray Gregory, stems
Thus from thy fatherhood, or Usurpation
London to rob of Chiefdom in this nation
And give it unto Canterbury thus.
This act swells of Supremacy in plush.


This Pimple grew, and ripend up untill

Phocas the murderer set to his Skill.
And Universall Headship raisd it to,
And such it runs, and all doth overflow
Constantinoples bishops swell by arts
Too into Universall Patriarchs.
But Rome imposes her Decrees on all
The Universall Head can't Nod, Erre, Fall.
Calls Synods and the Lordship ratify.
Doth Monks with Priests and Church Keyes dignify
Se that their Ceremonies in all lands
Exactly be attended; give Commands
And Laws to Bishops Arch; and if they judge
Them Obstinate, them to depose they budge.
Thus Theodore, Constantinoples Paul
The Patriarch expelld the Church, and all.
Did prison Gregory of Agregent
Bound hand and foot upon his foes complaint.
They other Churches rob of Right and Power.
To judg, Ordain. Or use the Keyes (Oh tower)
The Civill powers command for to set free
What Clergy men by laws detained bee.


Do Universal Synods authorize
By their Decrees: Do croud what they devise
Upon all Churches, and their Legates send
To Synods, Countries, Kings too to this end.
Do marrages forbid to whom they list
Base holy dayes erect and send this grist
To other Churches and it grind they must
Must shave, Grease, Mass sing: all in Latine thrust.
They twist at length out of the Emperours hand,
His pope Confirming Power. And thus they stand
They huff it do, in Silver gold and Gems.
John doth John Baptists Church with Silver Stems
Arch all about: Donus of Marble makes
A fouresquare Porch to Peters for his Sake.
Benit, the Virgin Maries doth repare
With Ophtick Stones and Porphyry most rare.
Rough casts the Walk with Work Vermicular:
Both Gold and Silver Vessells on't Confer.
A Surplice too of Silke in wrought with gold,
To ware when they the Sacred rites tend should.
On temples Martin Lavished also
Much gold and Silver. Vessells such there stow
Unto Vitalian the Emperor
Constance extends his bounty very far.
A Pall wove ore with gold most rich and brave
And many other royall gifts he gave.
So to th'Apostle Peter the gospells sent
Writ all in Gold, oucht all with Ornament
White Gems and of a wond'rous sise did stick
About them all about most bravely fit.
Honorious who a Monothelite rose
In Peters Church in Vatican expose
Did gold and Silver: rooft with golden plancks:
Of which he Romulus his Pemple flancks
By the Permission of Heraclius
Peter forgets his fishers Coat now thus.
And Sergius to bring the reare up gave
A golden Censer Odors sweet to have
While Mass is sayd: a Golden Charger trim
Stuck with rich Gems all round about its brim.
And in its middst a Cross of Jacinth made
And of Smaragdine Stone, neatly enlaid,
What Pride is here botching the Gospell ore
With Silke with Silver, Gold, and Gems in store
To gull the World with, as it were a trick
To see their Treasures with for bishops thick
And not to feed mens Souls nor Sanctify
Patience weeps ore this Pride with Shines most high.