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The Poems of Edward Taylor

Edited by Donald E. Standford ... With a foreword by Louis L. Martz

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100. Meditation. Isai. 24.23. The Lord of Hosts shall reign in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem and before his Ancients gloriously.
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100. Meditation. Isai. 24.23. The Lord of Hosts shall reign in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem and before his Ancients gloriously.

18.12m [Feb.] 1710.
Glory, What art thou? tell us: Dost thou know?
Its native to our nature to desire
To weare thy Shine. Our Sparkling Eyes bestow
Their kisses on the Cheeks thou dost attire.
Our Fancies fed therewith grow lively briske.
Acts always lodged in happy glances frisk.


Then Glory as a Metaphor, Il 'tende
And lay it all on thee, my Lord! to bring
My Heart in Flames of love, its rayes out send
Whose Curled tops shall ever to thee cling.
But all the glory Sunbeams on them beare
Is but a Smoaky vapour to thy Weare.
To see thee king it in mount Zion bright
And in Jerusalem, wherein the Shine
Of thy Right Scepter pinkt with Starrs of Light
Thy Gospell Law, and Miracles Divine,
Enravish may my Soule untill it flies
To thee upon the Wings of Extasies.
To see thee thron'de in Spirituall Zion Bright,
Where Sanctifying Grace doth gild the Throne
Raisd in the heart In which thou sitst as Light
And swayst the Realm of thoughts, now gracious grown
Where Sins arraignd are sentenced and slain
Will hearts with rapid raptures entertain,
To see thee reign in Heavenly Zion, Oh!
Wherein the Throne of Glory all beset
With Sparkling Angells round about it throw
Bright flashes of their glory as they step
Thee to attend, exceeds all Sight each way
And make might to my Soule, all Heavenly day.
The Suns bright Glory's but a smoky thing
Though it oft 'chants mans fancy with its flashes.
All other glories, that from Creatures spring
Are less than that: but both are sorry Swashes.
But thine is purely bright, and spotless cleare
That will inravish in the Heavenly Sphere.
Then set thy Throne, Lord, in my Souls bright Hall:
And in thy throne let Grace enthroned bee
And let thy Grace gild ore thy Palace Wall


And let thy Scepter sway and rule in mee.
While in my heart thou'rt thron'd my Quill shall greet
Thyselfe with Zions Songs in musick Sweet.