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The Closet of Counsells

conteining The aduice of diuers wyse Philosophers, touchinge sundry morall matters, in Poesies, Preceptes, Prouerbes, and Parrables, translated, and collected out of diuers aucthors, into Englishe Verse: by Edmond Eluiden. Wherunto is anexed a pithy and pleasant discription of the abuses: and vanities of the vvorlde

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Of the Worlde.

The man that byndes himselfe vnto
this worlde, must whole bequeaue


And yeld him selfe, to these .iii. thinges
whiche needes hee muste receaue:

Archi laus.

Fyrste vnto neede, for neuer hee

suffisaunce shall attayne,
Then vnto losse, and hassardes great
and laste to endles payne.