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At a Court held for Virginia on Wedensday the 27TH March i622

At a Court held for Virginia on Wedensday the 27TH March i622


Right Honoble  Lo: Cauendish.  mr Io: Smith. 
Lo: Padgett.  mr Ro: Smith. 
Sr Io: Dãuers.  mr Brooke. 
Sr Phi: Carey.  mr Hacket. 
mr Deputy.  mr Nicho: ffarrar. 
mr Wrote.  mr Barnard. 
mr Gibbs.  mr Mole. 

mr Bland mr Bull mr Kightley mr Caswell mr Barbor mr Balmefor[d]
mr Grace mr Swinhowe mr Baynham, mr Widdowes mr Iadwin mr
Benn[ett] mr Viner mr ffoxon mr Wood, mr Penistone mr Scott mr
Kirby mr Winch mr Woodall mr Stephens mr Brudenell mr Dar-
nelly mr Wheatley Capt: Tucker mr Nicholls mr Edwardℯ mr ffelgate
mr New[port] mr Leuer mr Copeland mr Roberts mr Leigh.


Mr Deputy acquainted the Court that thanks be to God the George
was nowe returned from Virginia and that he had receaued the
Pacqu[et] of ɫres sent by her wch he now presented to be read, where-
vpon the[re] was first read the generall letter from the Gouernor and
Counsell of Virginia and after such priuate letters as came directed
vnto the Counsell and Companie here wherein amongst other thingℯ
they ga[ue] aduertisement that the Ironworkℯ so longe and earnestly
desired were nowe in a good forwardnes to be sett vp by the meanes
of mr Iohn Berkley who doubted not but to make Iron there by Whit-
sontyde, also of the great hopes they haue of Cotten woole i[n] respect
the Trees there prosper so well, also of plenty of good wyne whereof
the Vignerons had sent home a tast by this Shippe the Geor[ge] and
further they certified that their hopes are nowe greater than euer [of]
a flourishinge Country in a short time with that rich Comodity of
Silke in respect the ffrenchmen there do report the Mulbery Trees to
be of the best kinde that are and do daylie encourage the people by
their example to plant them in abundance, wch make them all desire
that Store of Silkwormeseed be sent them with ye first conveniency.

There was also now presented certaine proposic̃ons sent to ye Com-
pan[ie] by mr Deputy Nuce for alteringe their present condic̃on with
their Tenantℯ for the better improuement of the publique Revenue
and aduancement of the generall Plantation, wch Proiect for that it
contayned matter of speaciall importance more then was fitt to be dis-
puted vpon for the present: The Court hath referred it to ye Counsell
for Virginia to take it into their considerac̃on and to certifie their
opin[ion] ∥touching ye same∥ against the Quarter Court. [344]

Vpon the presentinge of a Certificate from the Gouernor of Go Vir-
ginia of the safe arriuall of the Warwicke there order was giuen for
payment of the fraight accordinge to the Contract made with the
Owners wch was for payment wthin 14 dayes after sight.

Mr Bull Treasuror for the last Magazine sent to Virginia acquainted
the Court that he had not receaued the full some of the Iointe Stocke
vnderwritten in that Roll by 200li by reason that some had not as yet


paid in their subscription: Wherevpon the Court and Aduenturers of
the Magazine entreated mr Deputy and mr Nicholas ffarrar to take vp
so much money and to become bound for it and that they should be
secured by them to be repaid the same againe vpon the first returne
together with the interest.

The Court beinge informed of a proposic̃on desired to be presented to
the veiwe of his Mats Counsell for Virginia much concerninge the
Plantation haue referred it accordingly to their considerac̃on.

Mr Deputy signified of three Shipps sett out by priuate Aduenturers
namely the furtherance the Iames the Margaret and Iohn that would
be ready after Easter to sett Sayle for Virginia and therefore desired
that such as had either Passengrs or goodℯ to send thither would be
pleased to giue speedy notice thereof, and further moued for order to
drawe vp seuerall Com̃issions for the said Shipps wch the Court
assented vnto authorizinge mr Deputy to seale them.

Hee also moued for order for drawinge vp two seuerall Patentℯ for
perticuler Plantac̃ons in Virginia, the one desired by mr Robert Mos-
ton esqr vndertakinge to transport and plant 100 p̱sons and the other
by Capt Dan: Tucker a Brother of this Companie, wch the Court
assented vnto.

Edmund Brudenell of Stoakemandauill in ye County of Breck: esquire
by his Assignemt vnder his hand and Seale bearinge Date the 28th day
of Aprill in the 12th yeare of the Kings Raigne of England Cr passed
ouer to ffrauncis Brudenell his sonn his two Shares of land in Vir-
ginia due for the Aduenture of 25li paid to Sr Tho: Smith then Tr̃er
for Virginia as by his Bill of Aduenture vnder the Companies Seale
Dated the 2 8th of March may appeare (whose name notwithstandinge
is left out in ye Printed booke) wch assignemt beinge allowed by the
Auditors this present Court did ratifie and confirme. [345]

Vpon intelligence giuen of the want of Ministers in Virginia whome
the Inhabitants there do verie much desire promisinge to allowe them
good entertainement without charge to the Companie, Mr Deputy gaue
notice of two or three that had binn with him and offered themselues


to goe vpon reasonable ∥condicons∥ wherevpon the Court referred
them to the Com̃ittee to be treated with.

ffrauncis Carter passed ouer 9 shares of land in Virginia parcell of the
later 40 assigned vnto him by the right honoble the Lady Lewarr

To Henry Paulsted of London march̴ taylor 
To George Mole of London gent̃ 
To mr Io: Bowater of London Marchant 
To mr Rich: Stephens of London painter stainer 
To Rich: Markham of [1063] in ye County of Kent esqr 

Also ∥mr∥ Thomas Mellinge passed ouer two shares of land in Vir-
ginia parcell of 6: assigned vnto him from mr Raph Hamer vnto mr
Robert Iefferies of London Haberdasher.


A blank space in the manuscript.