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History B1: Medieval History: From the Fourth Century to 1500.—
Open to first-year students. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 1 course.)

Professor Dabney.

History B2: Modern European History: From 1500 to the Present.—
Open to first-year students. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 1 course.)

Assistant Professor Hale.

History B3: General American History: Not open to first-year students.
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 1 course.)

Associate Professor T. C. Johnson.


Page 241

History B4: General English History: Not open to first-year students.
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 1 course.)

Associate Professor T. C. Johnson.

History B5: Ancient History: Civilization of the Greeks and Romans.
Open to first-year students. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 1 course.)

Professor Barr.

History C1: History of European Civilization including Science, Religion
and Morals:
Two B courses prerequisite.

Professor Dabney.

History C2: Social History of the United States, 1776-1865: Two B
courses, including B3, prerequisite.
(Offered in 1937-38.)

Associate Professor Abernethy.

History C3: The Old South, 1776-1865: Two B courses, including B3,
(Offered in 1938-39.)

Associate Professor Abernethy.

History C4: American History Since 1865: Two B courses, including B3,

Acting Assistant Professor Cappon.

History C5: Greek and Roman Historians: Two B courses prerequisite.

Professor Barr.

History C6: The French Revolution and Napoleon: Two B courses, including
B2, together with a reading knowledge of French, prerequisite.
in 1937-38.

Professor Barr.

History C7: The Italian Risorgimento: Two B courses, including B2,
together with a reading knowledge of Italian, prerequisite.

Professor Barr.

History C8: The Expansion of England: Two B courses, including B4,

Associate Professor T. C. Johnson.

History C9: Medieval England: Two B courses, including B4, prerequisite.
(Offered in 1937-38.)

Associate Professor T. C. Johnson.

History C10: Tudor and Stuart England: Two B courses, including B4,
—Lectures and reports on the intellectual, social and economic aspects
of English life, and England's contacts with foreign countries through
trade relations. (Offered in 1938-39.)

Assistant Professor Hale.

History C11: Medieval Civilization: Two B courses, including B1, prerequisite.—Lectures
and reports on the institutional, economic, and intellectual
life of the Middle Ages. (Offered in 1937-38.)

Assistant Professor Hale.


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History C12: Europe Since 1814: Two B courses, including B2, prerequisite.—Lectures
and discussions on the social and economic aspects of the
period, the progress of social legislation, nationalism, imperialism, and the background
of the World War.

Assistant Professor Hale.

History C13: History of the West: Two B courses, including B3, prerequisite.
(Offered in 1937-38.)

Acting Assistant Professor Cappon.

History C14: Studies in Virginia History, 1607-1865: Two B courses,
including B3, prerequisite.

Associate Professor Abernethy.

History D1: Seminar in American History: The Revolution: Hours by

Associate Professor Abernethy.

History D2: Seminar in the History of European Diplomacy, 1870-1914:
A reading knowledge of French or German is required.

Assistant Professor Hale.