University of Virginia Library

For Graduates and Undergraduates.

Course 3C: Principles of Education.—A summary of present educational
theory and practice. After an introductory consideration of the
method and material of educational study, the aim of education is defined
and illustrated at length. Theories of organic evolution are outlined
and discussed in their influence upon theories of education. The second


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and third terms are devoted to a study of school hygiene, educational
psychology, curricula, and general method. The texts are supplemented
by parallel reading.

Course 4C: School Administration.—A seminar study of national,
state, and city school systems; public finance and education; school
buildings and equipment; the supervision and employment of teachers;
the relations between school, home, and society. The educational systems
and policies of the Southern States are considered in detail. Texts are
read rapidly, the main emphasis being put upon parallel reading and
original investigation.