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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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499. The Head Stone of the Corner


Psalm cxviii. 22.


We, thy path, O Lord! would mark,
And adore thee, while we gaze!
But, inscrutable and dark
Are alike thy works, and ways!
In the trackless waters, wide,
Thou dost all thy footsteps hide!


Though the builders, in their pride,
Would thy sovereign choice disown;
Though they sought to cast aside
Thy elect and precious stone;
In thy temple, vast and grand,
This, the Corner-Stone, shall stand!


Steadfast, as the throne on high,
Shall that building still be found!
There may we hosannahs cry,
And by Christ himself be crown'd!
Never more to leave the place
Where the Lord reveals his face!


Blessed Saviour! thy commands
We will make our guide alone;


In the house not made with hands,
Thou shalt be the Corner-Stone!
While the ransom'd throng, — to thee
Grace ascribe, and victory!