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The Choir and The Oratory

or Praise and Prayer. By Josiah Conder

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“To abide in the flesh is more needful.”—Phil. i. 24.

I will take refuge in my God
From man, and sin, and woe.
Fain would I drop this mortal clod,
To know as angels know;
And love as angels love,
And be as angels pure.
It is all light, pure light above,—
Bliss unalloyed and sure.
But shall I shun the sacred fight
Which good maintains with ill?
No; strong in my Redeemer's might,
Be mine to wrestle still.


Here only, in this strife,
Can I his soldier be:
Here only spend or lose a life
For Him who died for me.
Nor would I too impatient pry
The awful veil within;
Or scan the' appalling mystery
Of God-resisting sin.
Oh, let me be content
For Heaven's own light to stay.
The night, the night, is well-nigh spent:—
Ere long it will be day.