University of Virginia Library


Drink Away!


Come draw me six magnums of claret,
Don't spare it,
But share it in bumpers around;
And take care that in each shining brimmer
No glimmer
Of skimmering daylight be found.
Fill away! Fill away! Fill away!
Fill bumpers to those that you love,
For we will be happy to day!
As the gods are when drinking above,
Drink away! Drink away!


Give way to each thought of your fancies,
That dances,
Or glances, or looks of the fair;
And beware that from fears of to-morrow
You borrow
No sorrow, nor foretaste of care.
Drink away, drink away, drink away!
For the honour of those you adore:
Come, charge! and drink fairly to-day,
Though you swear you will never drink more.


I last night, cut, and quite melancholy,
Cried folly!
What's Polly to reel for her fame?
Yet I'll banish such hint till the morning,
And scorning
Such warning to-night, do the same.
Drink away, drink away, drink away!
'Twill banish blue devils and pain;
And to-night for my joys if I pay,
Why, to-morrow I'll do it again.