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Ovid's metamorphoses in fifteen books

Translated by the most Eminent Hands. Adorn'd with Sculptures

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The Voyage of Æneas.

By Mr. Catcott.

Troy thus destroy'd, 'twas still deny'd by Fate,
The Hopes of Troy should perish with the State.


His Sire, the Son of Cytherëa bore,
And Houshold-Gods from burning Ilium's Shore.
The pious Prince (a double Duty paid)
Each sacred Burthen thro' the Flames convey'd.
With young Ascanius, and this only Prize,
Of Heaps of Wealth, he from Antandros flies;
But struck with Horror, left the Thracian Shore,
Stain'd with the Blood of murder'd Polydore.
The Delian Isle receives the banish'd Train,
Driv'n by kind Gales, and favour'd by the Main.
Here pious Anius, Priest, and Monarch reign'd,
And either Charge, with equal Care sustain'd,
His Subjects rul'd, to Phœbus Homage pay'd,
His God obeying, and by those obey'd.
The Priest displays his Hospitable Gate,
And shows the Riches of his Church, and State;
The sacred Shrubs, which eas'd Latona's Pain,
The Palm, and Olive, and the votive Fane.
Here grateful Flames with fuming Incense fed,
And mingled Wine, ambrosial Odours shed;
Of slaughter'd Steers the crackling Entrails burn'd:
And then the Strangers to the Court return'd.
On Beds of Tap'stry plac'd aloft, they dine
With Ceres' Gift, and flowing Bowls of Wine;
When thus Anchises spoke, amidst the Feast,
Say, mitred Monarch, Phœbus' chosen Priest,
Or (e'er from Troy by cruel Fate expell'd)
When first mine Eyes these sacred Walls beheld,
A Son, and twice two Daughters crown'd thy Bliss?
Or errs my Mem'ry, and I judge amiss?
The Royal Prophet shook his hoary Head,
With snowy Fillets bound, and sighing, said;


Thy Mem'ry errs not, Prince; Thou saw'st me then,
The happy Father of so large a Train;
Behold me now, (such Turns of Chance befall
The Race of Man!) almost bereft of all.
For (ah!) what Comfort can my Son bestow,
What Help afford to mitigate my Woe!
While far from hence, in Andros' Isle he reigns,
(From him so nam'd) and there my Place sustains.
Him Delius Præscience gave; the twice-born God
A Boon more wond'rous on the Maids bestow'd.
Whate'er they touch'd, he gave them to transmute,
(A Gift past Credit, and above their Suit,)
To Ceres, Bacchus, and Minerva's Fruit.
How great their Value, and how rich their Use,
Whose only Touch such Treasures could produce!
The dire Destroyer of the Trojan Reign,
Fierce Agamemnon, such a Prize to gain,
(A Proof we also were design'd by Fate
To feel the Tempest, that o'erturn'd your State)
With Force superior, and a Ruffian Crew,
From these weak Arms, the helpless Virgins drew;
And sternly bad them use the Grant Divine,
To keep the Fleet in Corn, and Oil, and Wine.
Each, as they could, escap'd: Two strove to gain
Eubœa's Isle, and Two their Brother's Reign.
The Soldier follows, and demands the Dames;
If held by Force, immediate War proclaims.
Fear conquer'd Nature in their Brother's Mind,
And gave them up to Punishment assign'd.
Forgive the Deed; nor Hector's Arm was there,
Nor thine, Æneas, to maintain the War;
Whose only Force upheld your Ilium's Tow'rs,
For ten long Years against the Grecian Pow'rs.


Prepar'd to bind their Captive Arms in Bands,
To Heav'n they rear'd their yet unfetter'd Hands,
Help, Bacchus, Author of the Gift, they pray'd;
The Gift's great Author gave immediate Aid;
If such Destruction of their human Frame
By Ways so wond'rous, may deserve the Name;
Nor could I hear, nor can I now relate
Exact, the manner of their alter'd State;
But this in gen'ral of my Loss I knew,
Transform'd to Doves, on milky Plumes they flew,
Such as on Ida's Mount thy Consort's Chariot drew.
With such Discourse, they entertain'd the Feast;
Then rose from Table, and withdrew to Rest.
The following Morn, e're Sol was seen to shine,
Th'inquiring Trojans sought the sacred Shrine;
The Mystick Pow'r commands them to explore
Their ancient Mother, and a Kindred Shore.
Attending to the Sea, the gen'rous Prince
Dismiss'd his Guests with rich Munificence,
In old Anchises' Hand a Sceptre plac'd,
A Vest and Quiver young Ascanius grac'd,
His Sire, a Cup; which from th'Aonian Coast,
Ismenian Therses sent his Royal Host.
Alcon of Mylè made what Therses sent,
And carv'd thereon this ample Argument.
A Town with sev'n distinguish'd Gates was shown,
Which spoke its Name, and made the City known;
Before it, Piles, and Tombs, and rising Flames,
The Rites of Death, and Quires of mourning Dames,
Who bar'd their Breasts, and gave their Hair to flow
The Signs of Grief, and Marks of publick Woe.
Their Fountains dry'd, the weeping Naiads mourn'd,
The Trees stood bare, with searing Cankers burn'd,


No Herbage cloath'd the Ground, a ragged Flock
Of Goats half-famish'd, lick'd the naked Rock,
Of manly Courage, and with Mind serene,
Orion's Daughters in the Town were seen;
One heav'd her Chest to meet the lifted Knife,
One plung'd the Poyniard thro' the Seat of Life,
Their Country's Victims; mourns the rescu'd State,
The Bodies burns, and celebrates their Fate.
To save the Failure of th'Illustrious Line,
From the pale Ashes rose, of Form Divine
Two gen'rous Youths; these, Fame Coronæ calls,
Who join the Pomp, and mourn their Mother's Falls.
These burnish'd Figures form'd of antique Mold,
Shone on the Brass, with rising Sculpture bold;
A Wreath of gilt Acanthus round the Brim was roll'd.
Nor less Expence the Trojan Gifts express'd;
A fuming Censer for the Royal Priest,
A Chalice, and a Crown of Princely Cost,
With ruddy Gold, and sparkling Gems emboss'd.
Now hoisting Sail, to Crete the Trojans stood,
Themselves remembring sprung from Teucer's Blood;
But Heav'n forbids, and pestilential Jove
From noxious Skies, the wand'ring Navy drove.
Her hundred Cities left, from Crete they bore,
And sought the destin'd Land, Ausonia's Shore;
But toss'd by Storms at either Strophas lay,
'Till scar'd by Harpies from the faithless Bay.
Then passing onward with a prosp'rous Wind,
Left sly Ulysses' spacious Realms behind;
Ambracia's State, in former Ages known
The Strife of Gods, the Judge transform'd to Stone
They saw; for Actian Phœbus since renown'd,
Who Cæsar's Arms with Naval Conquest crown'd;


Next pass'd Dodona, wont of old to boast
Her vocal Forest; and Chäonia's Coast,
Where King Molossus' Sons on Wings aspir'd,
And saw secure the harmless Fewel fir'd.
Now to Phæacia's happy Isle they came,
For fertile Orchards known to early Fame;
Epirus past, they next beheld with Joy
A second Ilium, and fictitious Troy;
Here Trojan Helenus the Sceptre sway'd,
Who show'd their Fate, and Mystick Truths display'd;
By him confirm'd, Sicilia's Isle they reach'd,
Whose Sides to Sea three Promontories stretch'd;
Pachynos to the stormy South is plac'd,
On Lilybæum blows the gentle West,
Peloro's Cliffs the Northern Bear survey,
Who rolls above, and dreads to touch the Sea.
By this they steer, and favour'd by the Tide,
Secure by Night in Zancle's Harbour ride.
Here cruel Scylla guards the rocky Shore,
And there the Waves of loud Charybdis roar:
This sucks, and vomits Ships, and Bodies drown'd;
And rav'nous Dogs the Womb of That surround,
In Face a Virgin; and (if ought be true
By Bards recorded) once a Virgin too.
A Train of Youths in vain desir'd her Bed;
By Sea-Nymphs lov'd, to Nymphs of Seas she fled;
The Maid to these, with Female Pride, display'd
Their baffled Courtship, and their Love betray'd.
When Galatea thus bespoke the Fair,
(But first she sigh'd) while Scylla comb'd her Hair;
You, lovely Maid, a gen'rous Race pursues,
Whom safe you may (as now you do) refuse;


To me, tho' pow'rful in a num'rous Train
Of Sisters, sprung from Gods who rule the Main,
My native Seas could scarce a Refuge prove,
To shun the Fury of the Cyclops' Love.
Tears choak'd her Utt'rance here; the pitying Maid
With Marble Fingers wip'd them off, and said;
My dearest Goddess, let thy Scylla know,
(For I am faithful) whence these Sorrows flow.
The Maid's Intreaties o'er the Nymph prevail,
Who thus to Scylla tells the mournful Tale.