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Mans life after Possidonius, or Crates.
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Mans life after Possidonius, or Crates.

What path list you to tred? what trade will you assaye?
The courts of plea, by braul, & bate, driue gentle peace away.
In house, for wife, and childe, there is but cark, and care:
With trauail, and with toyl ynough, in feelds wee vse to fare.
Upon the seas lieth dreed: the riche, in foraine land,
Doo fear the losse: and there, the poore, like misers poorly stand.
Strife, with a wife, without, your thrift full hard to see:
Yong brats, a trouble: none at all, a maym it seems to bee:
Youth, fond: age hath no hert, and pincheth all to nye.
Choose then the leefer of these twoo, no life, or soon to dye.