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The Whole Works of Homer

Prince of Poetts: In his Iliads, and Odysses. Translated according to the Greeke. By Geo: Chapman

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The Argvment.

Receiu'd now, in the Spartan Court
Telemachus, preferres report
To Menelaus, of the throng
Of wooers with him, and their wrong.


Atrides tels the Greekes retreate,

And doth a Prophecie repeate,
That Proteus made; by which he knew
His brothers death; and then doth shew
How with Calypso liu'd the fire
Of his yong guest. The woo'rs conspire
Their Princes death: whose trechery knowne,
Penelope in teares doth drowne.
Whom Pallas by a dreame doth cheare,
And in similitude appeare
Of faire Iphthima, knowne to be
The sister of Penelope.