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The Poems of Alexander Montgomerie

Edited by James Cranstoun

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Now will I sing
To thee, O King,
Aboue all thing,
Of mercie mixt with judgement righteous.
In perfite way,
I will me stay;
Awaiting ay
Vntill thou come, my God most gratious.


In mynde and heart vpright,
I will begin
To walke before thy sight,
My house within.
No wickednesse
Shall me possesse.
The sinner's worke I hate with all disdaine.
Nor ill at all
Shall with me dwall;
Mine heart, mine hand, from such I will refrain.
Thou froward heart,
That workes me smart,
From me depart;
Go take thy leaue; for I no ill will know.
Such as defame,
With slanderous blame,
Their neighbour's name,
I will destroy, and them no mercie show.
The proud presumptuous ghuest,
With loftie looke,
And hautie minde possest,
I can not brooke.
Myne heart, myne eye,
Shall euer be
Vpon the just and faithfull of the land.
They shall abyde
All tyme and tyde
Within thy court, to serue at thy command:
The man, I say,
That doth not stray
From the right way,
I will aduance, in honour to excell.


The guilefull man,
That no good can,
Bot lie and faine,
Out of mine house with speed I will expell.
I will cut out, by tyme,
Out of the land,
All the rebellious trayne
And godlesse band.
And I doe meane
For to maintaine
God's holie house, and sacred cittie, free;
That wicked men
May not remaine
Within his gates, for their iniquitie.