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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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53 How Sextus laid claime to an Epigram.
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53 How Sextus laid claime to an Epigram.

When Sextus heard my Rime of Rainsford reeding,
With laughter lowd he cries, and voice exceeding,
That Epigram was mine, who euer made it.
I told him that conceit, from me, he had it.
Ah barbarisme, the blinder still the bolder!
Will Sextus ne're grow wise? growing older,
When Phidias framed had in marble pure,
Ioues goodly Statue, would a man endure
A Pyoner to challenge halfe the praise,
That from the quart the ragged stone did raise:
Or should a Carman boast of his desart,
Because he did vnload it from his Cart:
I thinke that Sextus selfe would neuer say't,
so in like manner, Sextus, that conceit
Was like a rugged stone, dig'd from thy foolish head,
Now 'tis a Statue caru'd by vs, and polished.