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8 occurrences of The records of the Virginia Company of London
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CXLIII. Sir Edwin Sandys. A Letter to John Ferrar September 18, 1620
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8 occurrences of The records of the Virginia Company of London
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CXLIII. Sir Edwin Sandys. A Letter to John Ferrar
September 18, 1620

Ferrar Papers
Document in Magdalene College, Cambridge. Autograph Letter, Signed, with Seal
List of Records No. 211

Good Mr Ferrar: I knowe yu will partake wth me deeply in my sorroe, not
for the losse, (I most humbly thank God,) but for the extreme weaknes
& danger of my deerest: whose coorse was this.

On Thursday, the 7th of this instant, the Bona Nova wth hir Pinnace set
saile from the Downs, wth a prosperous wynd: & was met that evening
beyond the Nesse. That day we spent here amongest or frends in great ioy.[225]

* * * * * * *

[1b] Yor nues from Virginia would have brought me great ioy, if my
heavie mynd were at this tyme capable of anie. But God be praised,
who so prospereth or weake endevors. Yet can I not forget Virginia, when
my endevors may doo hir good. To wch end I have set in hand, by my
self & other my frends, the bringing in of nue Adventurors to honor this
yeare under so noble a Lord. Somewhat I have allready doon: & more
I hope to doo. I have written also to Mr Barbor to that effect: & have
written x x x prayd him now the third tyme not to faile us at or
day (wch is this Michelmas,) or wthin a week after at farthest. I have also
som other proiects in my head for advancing the Plantation; whereof at


or meeting, wch I trust will be ere the end of the next moneth. I knowe
yu wilbe carefull of my Lords request, to call on the Committies to perform
the parts allotted them.

Aboue all have in remembrance the matter of Silk woorm seed, that it
may be sent by D. Bohun, who they say goeth in October.

I pray yu also let the Secretarie & Mr Carter be directed, for the making of
the three Catalougs of the severall Adventurors indebted: that in the
beginning of the term they may be delivered as is appointed to their
severall solicitors. Mr Carter may not alege that he knoweth they have
paid all, ffor the demands must be made according to the Companies
books: otherwise there wilbe manie a 12l 10s buried in other mens purses.
These demands also wilbe a great meanes of dooing that right wch we so
much desire, & of bringing to conclusion those untoward Accounts.

The enclosed to Dr Gulston, concerning the safetie of my poor wife, I
knowe yu wilbe carefull to see delivered wth speed: & desire Mr Carter to
solicit him for his answer, that it may not faile to come downe by this
post. Desire Mr Carter also not to acquaint anie of my wifes frends wth
hir extremitie: shee being loth to grieve them wth so uncomfortable nues.
God I hope will grant better. So in hast I rest yors ever assured

Edwin Sandys.
The Kings navie set saile from the Downs on Saturday last.
I shall write again very shortly.
Northborn. 18. Septemb: 1620.
[Indorsed:] Sr Edwin from Northborn Septembr 1620.
[Addressed by self:] To my very woorthie frend, Mr John Ferrar, at his
House in St Sithes Lane in London: wth speed.

A note at the end in the handwriting of John Smyth, as are all marginal notes and all