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An Extraordinary Court for Virginia
held on Wedensday in the Afternoone the 20th of March i621
Sr Io: Dauers. | mr Edwards. | mr Caswell. |
mr Deputy ffarrar. | mr Wheatley. | mr Mellinge. |
mr Gibbs. | mr Barbor. | mr Dennis. |
mr Wrote. | mr Balmford.[1062] | mr Hacket. |
mr Tomlins. | mr Seyward. | mr Cuffe. |
mr Ro: Smith. | mr Baynham. | mr Geo: Smith. |
mr Nicho: ffarrar. | mr Robertℯ. | with diuers others. |
mr Binge. | mr Meuerell. |
A request was made in the behalfe of mr Dennis Mr of ye Marmaduke
that whereas the Gouernor of Virginia in respect of the good seruice
he had donn the Companie by his carefull transporting of Passengers
to and from Virginia had bin pleased to graunt him his freedome
there that therefore the Companie would please to confirme the same
vnto him wch request the Court takinge into considerac̃on was pleased
to ratifie vnto him, and whereas complaint was made that he had
taken 20li for the transport of three Passengers homeward wch was
more by 40s then their due passage comes vnto, he hath promised in
open Court that the ouerplus money shalbe againe repaid them.
It was also thought fitt that caution should be giuen to ye Gouernor to
be hereafter more carefull that he bestowe his freedome vpon none
in this kinde but such as shall deserue extraordinary well by their care
and good vsage of Passengers.
Mr Deputy acquainted the Court that hauinge receaued a ɫre the i6 of
this present Moneth from mr Alder Iohnson with request that the
appointed Comissions to pervse those orders whereby Henry Mansell
pretendeth he was imployed: he was aduised by some of the Counsell
then present when that letter came to him to acquainte the Court first
therewith in respect the Companies books were com̃itted to his trust
& ought not to be p̱mitted to passe abroad wthout ye priuity and allow-
ance of a Court wherevpon havinge yesterday signified so much by
letter to mr Alderm: Iohnson he receaued another from him that night
shewinge some dista[ste] that the books were not sent, in respect
vpon the hearinge of Captai[ne] [342] Bargraues cause before my
Lo: Keeper the Court books were carried as farr as Westminister
touchinge wch mr Deputy said he let mr Alderman Iohnson knowe that
the books were then sent vpon my Lord Keepers com̃andment for that
the cause then in question did so require it the Court therevpon
takinge this matter into their considerac̃on did well approue of what
mr Deputy had Donne holdinge it vnfitt the Records of the Companie
should passe abroad wthout license of a Court And touchinge mr
Alderman Iohnsons request in the name of the rest of the Com̃is-
sioners, the Court are willing to giue waye therevnto and hath ordered
the Secretary to attend ye Com̃issioners with the said Court booke at
their next meetinge to be pervsed by them and after to bringe the
said booke ∥same backe∥ againe, and for further caution hereafter it
is ordered that neither the Court bookℯ nor bookℯ of Account nor the
Kings Letters Patents to the Companie nor any other matter of Record
whatsoeuer shalbe deliuered to any except principall Officers of the
Companie without consent and lycense of the Court, and for that this
order may the more duely be obserued and kept, it is referred to the
former Com̃ittee to consider thereof that it may be made a lawe.
fforsomuch as mr William Caninge hath bin often warned to bringe
in his Account in respect his pretended claime of much money due
vnto him from ye Companie and yet hath refused hitherto to present
them §It is therefore ordred he shall be once againe p̱emptorily
warned to bringe them in§ wth intimac̃on that if he faile hereof
between this and the next Virginia Court the Companie are resolued
otherwise to proceed against him in legall course to force him therevnto.
Herevpon intelligence was giuen that one mr Smaleman a gent̃ of
heriford sheire had paid 25li to mr Caninge wch he neuer brought into
the Companies Accountℯ whereby mr Smalemans name was quite left
out in the printed booke.
Sr Anthony Pell and the Lady Iudith his wife passed ouer two shares
of land in Virginia vnto Wm Savill esquire beinge formerly aduentured
by mr Aldr̃an Rotheram and at his Decease bequeathed vnto the said
Lady Iudith his then wife.
Mr Deputy signified that one mr Leuison desired a Comission to trans-
port Passengers to Virginia hauing formerly taken a Patent for setlinge
∥to settle∥ a p̱ticuler Plantac̃on there, wherevpon ye Court gaue order
for drawinge vp of his Comission and for affixinge ye Companies Seale
therevnto. [343]
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