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Unchangeable, almighty Lord,
The true, and merciful, and just,
Be mindful of Thy gracious word,
Wherein Thou causest me to trust.
My weary eyes look out in vain,
And long Thy saving health to see:
But known to Thee is all my pain:
When wilt Thou come, and comfort me!


Prisoner of hope, to Thee I turn,
Thee my strong hold, and only stay:
Harden'd in grief, I ever mourn:
Why do Thy chariot-wheels delay?
But shall Thy creature ask Thee why?
No; I retract the eager prayer:
Lord, as Thou wilt, and not as I;
I cannot choose; Thou canst not err.
To Thee, the only wise and true,
See then at last I all resign:
Make me in Christ a creature new,
The manner and the time be Thine.
Only preserve my soul from sin,
Nor let me faint for want of Thee:
I'll wait till Thou appear within,
And plant Thy heaven of love in me.