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A New Litany.


To the Tune of, Cook Lawrei invited the Devil his Guest, &c.

From Jesuitical Polls, who proudly Expose
The only Bulwark 'twixt them, and their Foes,
To Ramble i'th' Night to see Rare shows;
For ever Good Lord deliver me.
From a Pious Wise K--- who lets his reign pass,
In raising of Villains, and hearing of Mass,
All whose designs still prove but mine A---;
For ever, &c.
Who is rid, and impos'd on, by many a score
Of Priests, Mac's, and Footmen, his Q. and his W---
Who to make his Foes Rich, will make his Friends Poor;
For ever, &c.
Who without doing business still o're it does Buz,
Takes always wrong Measures in all that he does,
As prepostrous in State as H--- in's Cloaths;
For ever, &c.
Who has made his Religion a Ridiculous Jest,
And sells all his Friends to buy off the Test,
Yet gives it his Servants from biggest to least;
For ever, &c.
From a P---ce in whose word and promise no trust is,
And a Court without Conscience, Honour and Justice,
Who's bus'ness, Pride, Flattry, Intrest, and Lust is;
For ever, &c.


From a blinking Confessor, as free of his Word,
And as slack in performance as his disciplin'd Lord,
Whose Merits in time may meet with a Cord;
For ever, &c.
From Petres that positive Politick Sage,
Who shame upon Heav'n, and comforts his Age,
In filling his Coffers, and Bugg'ring his Page;
For ever, &c.
From a Turn-coat, Mail-setting, King-killing Rascal,
Who spight of those Villanies, which he's past all,
Is become a Kings Favourite, ev'n from a Stall;
For ever, &c.
From a Hosier preferr'd before all the State blocks,
From Preaching in Tubs, and footing of Socks,
And giving Quack Bills to cure the Pox;
For ever, &c.
Who had hang'd in Hones stead with a handsomer face,
And the Joiner had gain'd the Counsellours place,
If to impeach first he had had but the Grace;
For ever, &c.
From a Nation, which now in so woful a case is,
To be call'd by Church Cheats, and Jesuitical Clashes,
Who their Politicks learn from whipping boys A---
For ever, &c.