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Þe seueþe heste is þus, I-wis:
Coueyte þou not þi neiȝebors godis.
Þis two hestes acordyng ben
To þo bifore as ȝe may sen,
Þer he seiþ to þe in hiȝe
“Do no þefþe, ne lecherie,”
ffor he þat haþ wikked wille and smert,
Wikked entent is in his hert,
He may not longe for no þing
Holden him from mis-doing.
Þerfore I warne þe nou so,
Þat þou lecherie ne do;
Ȝif þou wolt not stele nou,
Oþur mennes good coueite not þou.
Þeos ben þe ten hestes to say
Þat god ȝaf Moyses in þe Mount of Synay.
Þe furste þreo, witeþ hit wel,
Ben to godus honour eueridel;
And to þi-self longen þe seuene,
To louen alle cristene euene.