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Hereseis whiske it now, as formerly
In Tissues, Silks, and Sattens, trimly ly.
Not many New ones minted but those stale
Are new fermented and made bottle Ale,
So full of spirits if the Cork's but slackt
They all aloft fly and Gunlike do Crack.
The Arian swill tub Rechar'd King of Spain
And Fortunat Grad's bishop do mentain
Ticinum's Anastase, John Gerundens
And more too many for my pen intence.
Now the Severian tree though fore now Cropt
Springs up with many strong Limbs. Being topt
With Centobabdites, Theodosians
Petrites, Angelites and Agnoetans
With Cenonites and Headless Dons also
Who mongst themselves to daggers-Draw did grow.
The Aphthardoticks still above bord stay
The Monophysits rise and raise greate fray.
Heraclius the Emperour's such. Oh fy!
Its Arianism in another die.
This thorn bush brancht also into these limbs
Armenians, Jacobits which Gnaphe begins,
With Theopaschits who assert do this
That the Divinity did suffer, yes
And Staurolatfits who adore the Cross.
Pelagians now also do vend their dross
Nestorians, Priscilianists too are
Still in the market setting off their ware.
These and such heresies as these do ruffle
Gainst which as other sins, Christs truths doth scuffle.
But while these nasty Dunghills send out reecks
Patience doth shine with lovely Cherry Cheeks.