University of Virginia Library




I. The kinges verses when he was fyfteene yeere old

The attribution of this poem is questionable.



ADD. MS. 4737

Since thought is thrall to thy ill will,
O troubled heart great is thy pain
Thought unreveeled may doe the ill
But words weill past come weill again
Be never carefull to invent
To gett thy owne, but Gods intent
Play not thy self with thy conceate
For God knoweth all that thou doeth meane
Hope without faith will bring the late
To thy intent for to atteane
And when it breaks furth in effect
Thy wylie witt will God correct
Since of fool haste come never good speed
Pray God to give thee grace to know
That vertue onlie forced by need
Serveth little thanks to the by law
On Gods will then see thou attend
If thou would vanquishe in the end


The attribution of this poem is questionable.

[Here lyith I nakit, to the anatomie.]


NOTES AND QUERIES, 6th Series, vol. x, (1884), p. 186.

Here lyith I nakit, to the anatomie.
Of my faill hairt, o humane deyitie
O tryst the almychtie, loyk the almychtie uoird
O put one me thy rob, as quhylum lorde
Thou putist one myne, me in thy bloid beleiue
And in my souill, thy secreit law Ingraue.



The attribution of this poem is questionable.

[Yf any be distrest and fayne woulde gather]


NOTES AND QUERIES, 1st Series, vol. v (1852), p. 195.

Yf any be distrest and fayne woulde gather
some comfort, let him hast unto......Our Father
for we of hope and healpe are quite bereaven
except thou suckcour us............which art in heaven
Thou shewest mercy, therefor for the same
we praysse thee singeing............hallowed be Thy name
of all our misseries cast up the sum;
Shew us thy ioyes, and lett..........Thy kingdome come
Wee mortall are, and alter from our birth;
Thou constant arte.................Thy will be done on earth
Thou madest the earth as well as planetts Seaven;
Thy name be blessed 'tis in heaven
Nothing wee have to use, or debts to paye,
except thou give it us..............give us this day
Wherewith to clothe us, wherewith to be fedd,
for without Thee we wante..........our daily breade
Wee want, but want no faults, for no day passes
But wee doe sinn...................forgive us our trespasses
Noe man from sining ever free did live
forgive us Lorde our we forgive
Yf we repent our faults Thou ne're disdainest us
We pardon them...................that trespasses agaynst us


forgive us that is past, a new path treade us
Direct us alwaies in thy fayth.......and leade us
Wee thine owne people and thy chosen nation
into all truth, but..................not into temtation
Thou that of all good graces art the giver
Suffer us not to wander.............but deliver
Us from the fierce assaults of worlde and divell
and flesh, so shalt thou free us.......from all evil
To these petitions let boath church and laymen
with one concent of hart and voyce say........................Amen.