University of Virginia Library


Rich in mercy, Jesus reigns,
Heaven owns no other king;
Crown him, mortals, in your strains,
While his matchless grace you sing.
Angels wake their loftier lays,
Kindled from celestial fires,
Humbler spirits bid his praise
Sweetly flow from silver lyres.
Mortals! catch the pleasing strain,
Gratitude demands the song—
Jesus builds his church again,
Where your Babel stood so long.
Truth divine her wall supports,
Love has paved her street with gold;
See her jasper towers and courts,
Gates of pearl that never fold.


Pilgrims! enter and rejoice—
Here your Saviour holds his throne;
'T is the City of his choice,
'T is the Church he calls his own.
Precious gems, on every side,
Lend new lustre to her charms—
'T is the Lamb's celestial Bride,
Smiling in her husband's arms.