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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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E. T. Bell, The Development of Mathematics (New York,
1945); idem, Men of Mathematics (New York, 1937). E. W.
Beth, The Foundations of Mathematics (Amsterdam, 1959).
S. Bochner, The Role of Mathematics in the Rise of Science
(Princeton, 1966). C. B. Boyer, The History of the Calculus
and its Conceptual Development
(New York, 1949). E. G.
H. Landau, Foundations of Analysis (New York, 1951). O.
Neugebauer, The Exact Sciences in Antiquity (Providence,
1957). H. Poincaré, The Foundations of Science (Lancaster,
Pa., 1946). A. Rosenthal, “The History of Calculus,” Ameri-
can Mathematical Monthly,
58 (1951), 75-86. A. Szabo, “The
Transformation of Mathematics into Deductive Science and
the Beginnings of its Foundation on Definitions and
Axioms,” Scripta Mathematica, 27 (1964), Part I, 24-48A,
Part II, 113-39. R. L. Wilder, Introduction to the Founda-
tions of Mathematics,
2nd ed. (New York, 1965).


[See also Axiomatization; Continuity; Infinity; Number;
Pythagorean...; Relativity.]