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The early poems of John Clare

1804-1822: General editor Eric Robinson: Edited by Eric Robinson and David Powell: Associate editor Margaret Grainger

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The fading Autumn all resighn'd
As consious of her dying state
Th'influence of the Sun declin'd
And hopeless yielded to her fate
The Trees their faded colours mourn'd
And shepherds with a tearfull eye
Review'd their changes as they turn'd
And thought of winter with a sigh
No Blackbird sung to please his mate
The Blackbirds songs was now no more
And all in silence mournd that fate
Which songs where useless to restore
And while the Blackbirds still denied
The trial of a single note
The Robins all their musick tried
And anxious streatchd their little throats
Sweet little innocents alone
In autumns sorrows they engage
And feel her sorrows as their own
And comfort her declineing age
Twas in my native fields among
Her woes two robins strove to share
Which are the subject of my song
Perch'd in a little hovel there


O lovely innofencive crew
Most harmless of the featherd throng
Was but my Song as worthy you
As you are worthy of my Song
Forever then my verse would live
And you forever in my verse
And pleas'd I'll be so I can give
Your songs for abler to rehearse
O then my Muse record the Lay
Of Robin & his long-been Bride
Who love'd as at the Bridal day
Was fondly nestl'd by his side
And tho the pretty Robin doats
To pick and Clean his glossy wing
Low droop'd the wings & ruff the coats
Of these two Robins which I sing
For they so griev'd at autumns fall
No care upon themselves bestowd
She—pretty Loves requ[i]r'd it all
And thus their dirge to Autumn flowd