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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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497. God seen in Nature, but most in Grace


Psalm cxi.


Wheree'er thy people raise,
O Lord! the song to thee,
Will I Jehovah praise,
And bend the suppliant knee;
Thy choicest smiles wilt thou display,
Where men unite to praise and pray.


Thou didst the earth create,
With endless wonders fraught!


Thy purposes are great,
Beyond our highest thought:
And those, whose hearts are tuned aright,
Will in thy works, O Lord! delight.


If, since the world began,
Each form thy power displays,
Why should unthankful man,
Withhold the voice of praise?
Why view thy greatness, and thy love;
Nor lift his views to heaven above?


We, all, in nature's face,
Behold the hand divine;
Yet, in redeeming grace,
Thou dost more glorious shine:
Thy power doth there our thought transcend,
But here we see th' Almighty Friend!