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The Sanctuary

A Companion in Verse for the English Prayer Book. By Robert Montgomery

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Saint James the Apostle.

“Saint James, leaving his father and all that he had, without delay, was obedient unto the calling of Jesus Christ.” —Collect for the Day.

Ye know not what ye ask, who seek
On My right Hand to sit and reign;
The will is frail, and courage weak
In mast'ring superhuman pain:
Deep is the Cup! and anguish dread
'Tis Mine to drink, before I die,
Nor know ye what your lips have said
Who thus for royal glories sigh.”
With accent of foreboding love
And gentleness all-gravely-wise,
Thus did the prescient Saviour prove
The perill'd hearts ambition tries.—
By zeal impassion'd, yet betray'd
Through blind emotions, born of earth,
They stumble most, when least afraid
How sin can mar the second birth.
Drink of His “Cup,” indeed, they shall
And His baptismal pangs endure,
Who crucify their selfish all
And find the Cross their only cure
For constant wounds of sin and strife
The world inflicts,—when faith would soar
And overcome this earth-chain'd life,
“With Christ” to be for evermore.
St. James was in the path of toil
When “Follow Me!” Emanuel said;
And lo, at once, the rude turmoil
He left, to haste where Jesu led.
What, though an aged sire remain'd
Bereft of son and sympathy,


The homage of his heart was gain'd—
For He who spoke, was Deity!
So is it now: our daily path
Is flower'd with blessings rich and rare
When duty in devotion hath
Obey'd the voice of Conscience, there:—
Faith should not yearn for great event
Or crisis through some wondrous change,
But with the calm of home content
In peace pursue life's wonted range.
Or if, like James, our hearts aspire
In some rapt dream too high for man
And grow inflam'd with zealot-fire,
Oh teach us, Lord, the milder plan!—
The “Son of Thunder” soften Thou
And with the balm of love allay;
Till the stern bigot from the brow
In soft forbearance dies away.
And if we from this vale of tears
By heart-ascension inly rise
To that high Realm, where Christ appears
Enthroned amid adoring skies,
Behold our creed!—His Cup and Cross
To drink and suffer, is the doom
Of all who seek to gain by loss
And triumph o'er the dreaded tomb.
In heaven there is a crown prepared
A throne of deepest radiance set,
But Truth Incarnate hath declared
Unknown on earth are they as yet,—
The seal'd Inheritors who shall
That kingly eminence enjoy:
Yet faith believes for each and all
Are glories which can never cloy.

Matt. xx. 23.

Luke ix. 54.

Matt. x. 39.

Matt. xx. 23.