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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

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CXXVII. 1 Samuel, Chap. XV. from Ver. 1. to Ver. 34.

Saul wars with Amalek, spares Agag, who is hew'd in pieces by Samuel.

Yet one important Task for Saul remains,
To whom wise Samuel thus the Fates explains:
God, who did thee his Peoples Head appoint,
And by these Hands with holy Oyl anoint;
Forgets not treacherous Amalek's Design,
When you from Egypt came, but says, Revenge is mine.
Go then—against th'accurs'd, renew the War!
Whatever breaths destroy, and nothing spare!
The Monarch hears, and with a numerous Host
Invades the Amalekites devoted Coast:
Dispirited they faint, they fly, they yield,
With Blood the Town's deform'd, with Blood the Field.
In vain they yield, in vain for Mercy cry,
Their Doom is fix'd, the faithless Nation die.


Their King alone, AGAG the GREAT, they spare,
The goodliest Spoil, and Trophy of the War:
The flow'r of all the Flocks and Herds they save,
The Vile and Refuse to the Slaughter gave.
When Saul the Prophet met, and thus he said,
—At length have we th'Arrears of Vengeance paid,
And have exactly Heav'ns commands obey'd:
From whence can then proceed, replies the Seer,
These bleating, and these bellowing Sounds I hear:
The Choice of all the Cattel, Saul replies,
Our pious Warriors spar'd for Sacrifice;
Agag with these in golden Chains they bring,
To grace their Triumphs with a captive King.
When Samuel thus—Does God Oblations need?
Tho' Hecatombs shou'd on his Altars bleed,
From a rebellious Hand, he'd all despise;
Obedience is the noblest Sacrifice.
'Tis in the Fates, thy Fate thou canst not shun,
Thy cruel Mercy has thy self undone.
Nor shall the sanguine Tyrant scape—he dies;
The guiltless Blood h'has shed, for Vengeance cries


He sends—secure of Death proud Agag came,
The same his haughty Mien, his Eyes the same,
His fierce black Eyes shot round indignant Flame:
Scarce seem'd to feel the Ground on which he trod,
Erect and comely, as a fansi'd God:
When thus the Seer—since all thy Acts defame
A King's belov'd, and fear'd paternal Name;
In Blood thy Hands, in Blood defil'd thy Throne,
That Fate which others shar'd, be now thy own:
He says, and God's all-righteous Doom fulfils,
The Victim's Life before his Altar spills:
See his black Blood through num'rous Channels flow,
And with a Groan his haughty Soul flies to the Shades below.