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or, Britans Second Remembrancer, bringing to Remembrance (in praisefull and Poenitentiall Hymns, Spirituall Songs, and Morall-Odes): Meditations, advancing the glory of God, in the practise of Pietie and Vertue; and applyed to easie Tunes, to be Sung in Families, &c. Composed in a three-fold Volume, by George Wither. The first, contains Hymns-Occasionall. The second, Hymns-Temporary. The third, Hymns-Personall. That all Persons, according to their Degrees, and Qualities, may at all Times, and upon all eminent Occasions, be remembred to praise God; and to be mindfull of their Duties

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Hymn XXXVI. For Easter-Day.
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Hymn XXXVI. For Easter-Day.


This Day is kept in memoriall of our Saviours blessed Resurrection, whereby the Church (as members with their Head) began a Joyfull Triumph over Sin, Death, and the Devill. And this Annuall Commemoration, was thought helpfull, both to stir up Thankfull rejoycings in those to whom this is knowne, and to be a means also to make some take knowledge of it, who are yet Strangers to these Mysteries.

Sing this as the 100. Psalme, without the Chorus.

This is the Day, the Lord, hath made,
And, therein, joyfull we will be:
For, from the black Infernall Shade,
In Triumph, back return'd is he.
The snares of Satan, and of Death,
He hath victoriously undone:
And his Opposers, forc'd he hath
His Triumphs to attend upon.
This is the Day the Lord hath made:
Come; let us now, therein be glad.
The Grave, which all did once detest,
And thought, a Dungeon full of Fear;
Is now become the House of Rest,
And, no such Terrors harbor there.


For Christ our Lord, hath took away
The Horrors, of that lothsome Den
And, since his Resurrection-Day,
The Faithfull find no Fears therein.
This is the Day, the Lord hath made:
Come; let us, now, therein be glad.
His bitter mocks, his painfull smart,
Hath Praise and Ease for us procur'd.
And, to our Joy, we may convert,
What, he with broken Heart endur'd.
His Body, now, is made a Food,
Our fainting Spirits to refresh:
And, we are by his precious Blood,
Refined both in Soul and Flesh.
This is the Day, the Lord hath made:
Come; let us, now, therein be glad.
His Wounds that were both deep and wide,
To us, the Caves of Refuge are.
There, from Pursuers, we may hide,
And scape our Lifes destroyer there.
Now, know we, that (as was foretold)
His Flesh did no corruption see:
And, that, Hell wanted strength to hold
So strong, and blest a Prince as he.
This is the Day, the Lord hath made:
Come; let us all, therein, be glad.
Oh! let us praise his Name, therefore,
Who this renowned Conquest won:
For, we had else forevermore,
Been everlastingly, undone.


Whereas, emboldned now we grow,
Triumphantly, to say or sing,
Oh Hell! where is thy Conquest now?
And, where (oh Death! is now thy sting?
This is the Day the Lord hath made,
Come, let us now, therein be glad.