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Small poems of Divers sorts

Written by Sir Aston Cokain

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80. A Design of an Epick Poem.

I sing the valiant deeds and brave exploits
Of Brutus, equal to the Worthies Nine:
And the adventures strange of wandring Knights
Famous in ours, and Countries transmarine;
From Italy their high auspicious flights,
Directed hither by the fates Divine:
And how fair Ladies (in their bloomy years)
Became enamour'd on those Cavaliers.
A work Heroick, worthy to be writ
In stately numbers equal to their deeds;
And by no humble, and no vulgar wit
By one that onely knows but oaten reeds;
But by an able Poet that can fit
Each Lover, and each Souldier in their weeds,
That knows to draw a Line so firmly wrought,
As neither Time nor War can bring to nought.
But seeing none this Task to undertake,
And fearing these great Actions might die;
Neglected cast all into Lethe Lake,
Because that some malicious enemy


Hath won upon this stupid Isle to make
It think them Fictions rais'd by poetry:
I (out of zeal unto so great a truth)
Present this poem to our English youth.