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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Et cum iniquis deputatus est.

But ȝet þat one þer sauet was
for his bileue & repentaunce,
that oþer of hom hade no gras
to ask mercy in his penaunce.
Therfore sais Austyn openly
quat testament made Crist on croys,
qvich word now reherce wil I,
that spoken wer with delful voys.

Testamentum Christi in cruce, Augustinus: Auctor ipse pietatis in cruce pendens in secularibus negociis pietatis officia diuidebat, persecucionem apostolis, pacem discipulis, corpus Iudeis, patri spiritum, virgini paranimphum, latroni paradisum, peccatoribus infernum, crucem christianis penitentibus commendabat.

Crist, Auctor & prince of pite,

Nota bene testamentum Christi.

hengyng on croice for monnus syn,
for hor nedis þus ordeynt he
his testament, quen he wold twyn.
Apostles persecucioun,
disciples pes assignet he,
his body þer al redy boun
to Iewes that nailed hym on tre;


His gost to his fadir he sent,
And to his moder, swete Mary,
A loker forto take entent
to hir then in that gret any;
To þe thef þat þer was lent
That mercy asket mekely
to Paradise he con present,
that oþer to helle went in hy;
And helle to synful men ȝaf he,
that to amende wer not in wille,
With-out ende þer forto be,
His hest for thay wold not fulfille;
To Cristen þat repentaunt wer
his croys he ȝaf with gode entent,
thus at his deth diuiset her
Ihesu Crist his testament.
But to expoun apertly
qvy he his croys assignet so,
hit was forto gete mon mercy,
And for trespas to suffre wo.
For as Bede beres wittenesse,
a cr[os]ce ys penaunce, leue ȝe me,

Crux apte a cruciatu dicitur.

for what thing that may synne restresse,
a verray crosce may callet be.