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The Whole Works of Homer

Prince of Poetts: In his Iliads, and Odysses. Translated according to the Greeke. By Geo: Chapman
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15 occurrences of caske
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The Sunne now left the great and goodly Lake,
And to the firme heau'n, bright ascent did make,
To shine as well vpon the mortall birth,
Inhabiting the plowd life-giuing earth,
As on the euer tredders vpon Death.
And now to Pylos, that so garnisheth
Her selfe with buildings; old Neleus towne,
The Prince and Goddesse come; had strange sights showne;
For on the Marine shore, the people there
To Neptune, that the Azure lockes doth weare;
Beeues that were wholy blacke, gaue holy flame.
Nine seates of State they made to his high name;


And euery Seate set with fiue hundred men;
And each fiue hundred, was to furnish then
With nine blacke Oxen, euery sacred Seate.
These, of the entrailes onely, pleasd to eate;
And to the God enflam'd the fleshie thies.
By this time Pallas, with the sparkling eies,
And he she led, within the hauen bore:

Minerua to Telemachus.

Strooke saile, cast anchor, and trod both the shore.

She first; he after. Then said Pallas: Now
No more befits thee the least bashfull brow;
T'embolden which, this act is put on thee
To seeke thy Father, both at shore, and sea:
And learne in what Clime, he abides so close;
Or in the powre of what Fate doth repose.
Come then; go right to Nestor; let vs see,
If in his bosome any counsell be,
That may informe vs. Pray him not to trace
The common courtship; and to speake in grace
Of the Demander; but to tell the truth:
Which will delight him; and commend thy youth
For such preuention; for he loues no lies;
Nor will report them, being truly wise.

Telemachus to Minerua.

He answerd: Mentor! how alas shall I

Present my selfe? how greete his grauitie?
My youth by no meanes that ripe forme affords,
That can digest my minds instinct, in words
Wise, and beseeming th' eares of one so sage.
Youth of most hope, blush to vse words with Age.
She said: Thy mind will some conceit impresse,
And something God will prompt thy towardnesse.
For I suppose, thy birth and breeding too,
Were not in spite of what the Gods could do.
This said, she swiftly went before, and he
Her steps made guides, and followd instantly.
When soone they reacht the Pylian throngs and seates,
Where Nestor with his sonnes sate; and the meates
That for the feast seru'd; round about them were
Adherents dressing all their sacred cheare,
Being rost and boyld meates. When the Pylians saw
These strangers come: in thrust did all men draw

They are receiued as guests.

About their entrie. Tooke their hands, and praid

They both would sit. Their entrie first assaid
By Nestors sonne, Pisistratus. In grace
Of whose repaire, he gaue them honor'd place
Betwixt his Sire, and brother Thrasimed,
Who sate at feast, on soft Fels that were spred
Along the sea sands. Keru'd, and reacht to them
Parts of the inwards; and did make a streame


Of spritely wine, into a golden boule;
Which to Minerua, with a gentle soule
He gaue, and thus spake: Ere you eate, faire guest,
Inuoke the Seas King; of whose sacred feast,

The humanitie of Pisistratus to strangers.

Your trauell hither, makes ye partners now:
When (sacrificing, as becomes) bestow
This boule of sweete wine on your friend, that he
May likewise vse these rites of pietie:
For suppose, his youth doth prayers vse,
Since all men need the Gods. But you I chuse
First in this cups disposure; since his yeares
Seeme short of yours; who more like me appeares.
Thus gaue he her the cup of pleasant wine;
And since a wise and iust man did designe
The golden boule first to her free receit;
Euen to the Goddesse it did adde delight.
Who thus inuokt: Heare thou whose vast embrace
Enspheres the whole earth; nor disdaine thy grace

Mineruas grace.

To vs that aske it, in performing this:
To Nestor first, and these faire sonnes of his,
Vouchsafe all honor: and next them, bestow
On all these Pylians, that haue offerd now
This most renowmed Hecatomb to thee,
Remuneration fit for them, and free;
And lastly daigne Telemachus, and me,
(The worke performd, for whose effect we came)
Our safe returne, both with our ship and fame.
Thus praid she; and her selfe, her selfe obaid;
In th' end performing all for which she praid.
And now to pray, and do as she had done;
She gaue the faire round boule t'Vlysses sonne.
The meate then drest, and drawne, and seru'd t'each guest;
They celebrated a most sumptuous feast.
When (appetite to wine and food allaid)
Horse-taming Nestor then began, and said:
Now lifes desire is seru'd, as farre as fare;

Nestor to the strangers.

Time fits me to enquire, what guests these are.
Faire guests, what are ye? and for what Coast tries
Your ship the moist deepes? For fit merchandize,
Or rudely coast ye, like our men of prize?
The rough seas tempting; desperatly erring
The ill of others, in their good conferring?
The wise Prince, now his boldnesse did begin;
For Pallas selfe had hardned him within;
By this deuice of trauell to explore
His absent Father; which two Girlonds wore;
His good, by manage of his spirits; and then
To gaine him high grace, in th' accounts of men.


Telemachus answers.

O Nestor! still in whom Neleus liues!

And all the glorie of the Greeks suruiues;
You aske, from whence we are; and I relate:
From Ithaca (whose seate is situate
Where Neius the renowmed Mountaine reares
His haughtie forehead; and the honor beares
To be our Sea-marke) we assaid the waues;
The businesse I must tell; our owne good craues,
And not the publicke. I am come t'enquire,
If in the fame that best men doth inspire,
Of my most-suffering Father, I may heare
Some truth of his estate now; who did beare
The name (being ioynd in fight with you alone)
To euen with earth the height of Ilion.
Of all men else, that any name did beare,
And fought for Troy, the seuerall ends we heare;
But his death, Ioue keepes from the world vnknowne;
The certaine fame thereof, being told by none.
If on the Continent, by enemies slaine;
Or with the waues eat, of the rauenous Maine.
For his loue tis, that to your knees I sue;
That you would please, out of your owne cleare view,
T'assure his sad end; or say, if your eare
Hath heard of the vnhappie wanderer,
To too much sorrow, whom his mother bore.
You then, by all your bounties I implore,
(If euer to you, deed or word hath stood,
By my good Father promist, renderd good
Amongst the Troians; where ye both haue tried
The Grecian sufferance) that, in nought applied
To my respect or pitie, you will glose,
But vnclothd Truth, to my desires disclose.

Nestor to Telemachus.

O my much lou'd, (said he) since you renew

Remembrance of the miseries that grew
Vpon our still-in-strength-opposing Greece,
Amongst Troys people; I must touch a peece
Of all our woes there; either in the men
Achilles brought by sea, and led to gaine
About the Country; or in vs that fought
About the Citie, where to death were brought
All our chiefe men, as many as were there.
There Mars-like Aiax lies; Achilles there;
There the-in-counsell-like-the-Gods; his friend;


There my deare sonne Antilochus tooke end;
Past measure swift of foote, and staid in fight.
A number more, that ils felt infinite:
Of which to reckon all, what mortall man
(If fiue or sixe yeares you should stay here) can


Serue such enquirie? You would backe againe,
Affected with vnsufferable paine,
Before you heard it. Nine yeares siegd we them,
With all the depth and sleight of stratagem
That could be thought. Ill knit to ill, past end:
Yet still they toild vs: nor would yet Ioue send
Rest to our labors: nor will scarcely yet.
But no man liu'd, that would in publicke set
His wisedome, by Vlysses policie,
(As thought his equall) so excessiuely
He stood superiour all wayes. If you be
His sonne indeed; mine eyes euen rauish me
To admiration. And in all consent,
Your speech puts on his speeches ornament.
Nor would one say, that one so yong could vse
(Vnlesse his sonne) a Rhetorique so profuse.
And while we liu'd together; he and I
Neuer in speech maintaind diuersitie:
Nor set in counsell: but (by one soule led)
With spirit and prudent counsell furnished
The Greeks at all houres: that with fairest course,
What best became them, they might put in force.
But when Troys high Towres, we had leueld thus;
We put to sea; and God diuided vs.
And then did Ioue, our sad retreat deuise;
For all the Greeks were neither iust nor wise;
And therefore many felt so sharpe a fate;
Sent from Mineruas most pernicious hate;
Whose mightie Father can do fearfull things.
By whose helpe she, betwixt the brother Kings
Let fall Contention: who in councell met

De Græcorum dissidio.

In vaine, and timelesse; when the Sunne was set;
And all the Greeks calld; that came chargd with wine.
Yet then the Kings would vtter their designe;
And why they summond. Menelaus, he
Put all in mind of home; and cried, To sea.
But Agamemnon stood on contraries;
Whose will was, they should stay and sacrifise
Whole Hecatombs to Pallas; to forgo
Her high wrath to them. Foole, that did not know
She would not so be wonne: for not with ease
Th' eternall Gods are turnd from what they please.
So they (diuided) on foule language stood.
The Greekes, in huge rout rose: their wine-heate bloud,
Two wayes affecting. And that nights sleepe too,
We turnd to studying either others wo.
When Ioue besides, made readie woes enow.
Morne came, we lancht; and in our ships did stow


Discors nauigatio Græcorum.

Our goods, and faire-girt women. Halfe our men

The peoples guide (Atrides) did containe;
And halfe (being now aboord) put forth to sea.
A most free gale gaue all ships prosperous way.
God settld then the huge whale-bearing lake;
And Tenedos we reacht; where, for times sake,
We did diuine rites to the Gods: but Ioue
(Inexorable still) bore yet no loue
To our returne; but did againe excite
A second sad Contention, that turnd quite
A great part of vs backe to sea againe;
Which were th' abundant in all counsels men,
(Your matchlesse Father) who, (to gratifie
The great Atrides) backe to him did flie.
But I fled all, with all that followd me;
Because I knew, God studied miserie,
To hurle amongst vs. With me likewise fled
Martiall Tidides. I, the men he led,
Gat to go with him. Winds our fleete did bring
To Lesbos, where the yellow-headed King
(Though late, yet) found vs; as we put to choise
A tedious voyage; if we saile should hoise
Aboue rough Chius (left on our left hand)
To th' Ile of Psiria; or that rugged land
Saile vnder; and for windie Mimas stere.
We askt of God, that some ostent might cleare
Our cloudie businesse: who gaue vs signe,
And charge, that all should (in a middle line)
The sea cut, for Eubœa; that with speed,
Our long-sustaind infortune might be freed.
Then did a whistling wind begin to rise,
And swiftly flew we through the fishie skies,
Till to Geræstus we in night were brought;
Where (through the broad sea, since we safe had wrought)
At Neptunes altars, many solid thies
Of slaughterd buls, we burnd for sacrifise.
The fourth day came, when Tydeus sonne did greete
The hauen of Argos, with his complete Fleete.
But I, for Pylos strait ster'd on my course,
Nor euer left the wind his fore right force,
Since God fore-sent it first. And thus I came
(Deare sonne) to Pylos, vninformd by fame;
Nor know one sau'd by Fate, or ouercome.
Whom I haue heard of since (set here at home)
As fits, thou shalt be taught, nought left vnshowne.
The expert speare-men; euery Myrmidon,
(Led by the braue heire of the mightie sould
Vnpeerd Achilles) safe of home got hold.


Safe Philoctetes, Pæans famous seed:
And safe Idomeneus; his men led
To his home, (Crete;) who fled the armed field;
Of whom, yet none, the sea from him withheld.
Atrides (you haue both heard, though ye be
His farre off dwellers) what an end had he,
Done by Ægisthus, to a bitter death;
Who miserably paid for forced breath;
Atrides leauing a good sonne, that dide
In bloud of that deceitfull parricide
His wreakfull sword. And thou my friend (as he
For this hath his fame) the like spirit in thee
Assume at all parts. Faire, and great I see
Thou art, in all hope; make it good to th' end;
That after-times, as much may thee commend.
He answerd: O thou greatest grace of Greece;

Telemachus Nestori.

Orestes made that wreake, his master peece;
And him the Greeks will giue, a master praise;
Verse finding him, to last all after daies.
And would to God, the Gods would fauour me
With his performance; that my iniurie,
Done by my mothers wooers, (being so foule)
I might reuenge vpon their euery soule.
Who (pressing me with contumelies) dare
Such things as past the powre of vtterance are.
But heauens great Powres, haue grac't my destinie
With no such honor. Both my Sire and I,
Are borne to suffer euerlastingly.
Because you name those wooers (Friend, said he)

Nestor Telemacho.

Report sayes, many such, in spite of thee,
(Wooing thy mother) in thy house commit
The ils thou nam'st. But say; proceedeth it
From will in thee, to beare so foule a foile;
Or from thy subiects hate, that wish thy spoile?
And will not aide thee, since their spirits relie
(Against thy rule) on some graue Augurie?
What know they, but at length thy Father may
Come; and with violence, their violence pay?
Or he alone; or all the Greeks with him?
But if Minerua now did so esteeme
Thee, as thy Father, in times past; whom, past
All measure, she, with glorious fauours grac't
Amongst the Troians, where we suffered so;
(O! I did neuer see, in such cleare show,
The Gods so grace a man, as she to him,
To all our eyes, appeard in all her trim)
If so, I say, she would be pleasd to loue,
And that her minds care, thou so much couldst moue,


As did thy Father; euery man of these,
Would lose in death their seeking mariages.


O Father, (answerd he) you make amaze

Seise me throughout. Beyond the height of phrase
You raise expression; but twill neuer be,
That I shall moue, in any Deitie,
So blest an honour. Not by any meanes,
If Hope should prompt me, or blind Confidence,
(The God of Fooles), or euery Deitie
Should will it; for, tis past my destinie.


The burning-eyd Dame answerd: What a speech

Hath past the teeth-guard, Nature gaue to teach
Fit question of thy words before they flie?

Volente Deo, nihil est difficile

God easily can (when to a mortall eie

Hee's furthest off) a mortall satisfie:
And does, the more still. For thy car'd for Sire;
I rather wish, that I might home retire,
After my sufferance of a world of woes;
Farre off; and then my glad eyes might disclose
The day of my returne then strait retire,
And perish standing by my houshold fire.
As Agamemnon did; that lost his life,
By false Ægisthus, and his faller wife.
For Death to come at length, tis due to all;
Nor can the Gods themselues, when Fate shall call
Their most lou'd man, extend his vitall breath
Beyond the fixt bounds of abhorred Death.


Mentor! (said he) let's dwell no more on this,

Although in vs, the sorrow pious is.
No such returne, as we wish, Fates bequeath
My erring Father; whom a present death,
The deathlesse haue decreed. Ile now vse speech
That tends to other purpose; and beseech
Instruction of graue Nestor; since he flowes
Past shore, in all experience; and knowes
The sleights and wisedomes; to whose heights aspire
Others, as well as my commended Sire;
Whom Fame reports to haue commanded three
Ages of men: and doth in sight to me
Shew like th' Immortals. Nestor! the renowne
Of old Neleius; make the cleare truth knowne,
How the most great in Empire, Atreus sonne,
Sustaind the act of his destruction.
Where then was Menelaus? how was it,
That false Ægisthus, being so farre vnfit
A match for him, could his death so enforce?
Was he not then in Argos? or his course
With men so left, to let a coward breathe


Spirit enough, to dare his brothers death?
Ile tell thee truth in all (faire sonne) said he:
Right well was this euent conceiu'd by thee.
If Menelaus in his brothers house,

Nestor Telemacho de Ægisthi adulterio.

Had found the idle liuer with his spouse,
(Arriu'd from Troy) he had not liu'd; nor dead
Had the diggd heape powrd on his lustfull head:
But fowles and dogs had torne him in the fields,
Farre off of Argos. Not a Dame it yeelds,
Had giuen him any teare; so foule his fact
Shewd euen to women. Vs Troys warres had rackt
To euery sinewes sufferance; while he


In Argos vplands liu'd; from those workes free.
And Agamemnons wife, with force of word
Flatterd and softn'd; who, at first abhord
A fact so infamous. The heau'nly Dame,
A good mind had; but was in blood too blame.
There was a Poet, to whose care, the King

αδιδος ανηρ.

His Queene committed; and in euery thing
(When he for Troy went) charg'd him to apply
Himselfe in all guard to her dignitie.
But when strong Fate, so wrapt-in her affects,
That she resolu'd to leaue her fit respects;
Into a desart Ile, her Guardian led,
(There left) the rapine of the Vultures fed.
Then brought he willing home his wills wonne prize;
On sacred Altars offerd many Thies:
Hung in the Gods Phanes many ornaments;
Garments and gold; that he the vast euents
Of such a labor, to his wish had brought,
As neither fell into his hope, nor thought.
At last, from Troy saild Spartas king and I,
Both, holding her vntoucht. And (that his eie
Might see no worse of her) when both were blowne
To sacred Sunius (of Mineruas towne
The goodly Promontorie) with his shafts seuere
Augur Apollo slue him that did stere
Atrides ship, as he the sterne did guide,
And she the full speed of her saile applide.
He was a man, that nations of men
Exceld in safe guide of a vessell; when
A tempest rusht in on the ruffld seas:
His name was Phrontis Onetorides.
And thus was Menelaus held from home,
Whose way he thirsted so to ouercome;
To giue his friend the earth, being his pursuite,
And all his exequies to execute.
But sailing still the wind-hewd seas, to reach

οινοπα ποντον: οινοψ cuius facies vinū representat


Some shore for fit performance; he did fetch
The steepe Mount of the Malians; and there
With open voice, offended Iupiter,
Proclaimd the voyage, his repugnant mind;
And powr'd the puffes out of a shreeking wind,
That nourisht billowes, heightned like to hils.
And with the Fleets diuision, fulfils
His hate proclaimd; vpon a part of Creete
Casting the Nauie; where the sea-waues meete
Rough Iardanus; and where the Cydons liue.
There is a Rocke, on which the Sea doth driue;
Bare, and all broken; on the confines set
Of Cortys; that the darke seas likewise fret;
And hither sent the South, a horrid drift
Of waues against the top, that was the left
Of that torne cliffe; as farre as Phastus Strand.
A litle stone, the great seas rage did stand.
The men here driuen, scapt hard the ships sore shocks;
The ships themselues being wrackt against the rocks;
Saue onely fiue, that blue fore-castles bore,
Which wind and water cast on Ægypts shore.
When he (there victling well, and store of gold
Aboord his ships brought) his wilde way did hold,
And t'other languag'd men, was forc't to rome.
Meane space Ægisthus made sad worke at home;
And slue his brother; forcing to his sway,

Agamemnonis interitus.

Atrides subiects; and did seuen yeares lay

His yoke vpon the rich Mycenean State.
But in the eight, (to his affrighting fate)

Orestes patrem vlciscitur.

Diuine Orestes home from Athens came;

And what his royall Father felt, the same
He made the false Ægisthus grone beneath:
Death euermore is the reward of Death.
Thus hauing slaine him; a sepulchrall feast
He made the Argiues, for his lustfull guest,
And for his mother, whom he did detest.
The selfe-same day, vpon him stole the King,
(Good at a martiall shout) and goods did bring,
As many as his freighted Fleete could beare.
But thou (my sonne) too long, by no meanes erre,
Thy goods left free for many a spoilfull guest;
Lest they consume some, and diuide the rest;
And thou (perhaps besides) thy voyage lose.
To Menelaus yet thy course dispose,
I wish and charge thee; who but late arriu'd,
From such a shore, and men; as to haue liu'd
In a returne from them; he neuer thought;
And whom, blacke whirlwinds violently brought


Within a sea so vast, that in a yeare
Not any fowle could passe it any where,
So huge and horrid was it. But go thou
With ship and men (or if thou pleasest now
To passe by land, there shall be brought for thee
Both horse and chariot; and thy guides shall be
My sonnes themselues) to Sparta, the diuine,
And to the King, whose locks like Amber shine.
Intreate the truth of him; nor loues he lies;
Wisedome in truth is; and hee's passing wise.
This said, the Sunne went downe, and vp rose Night,
When Pallas spake; O Father, all good right

Pallas Nestori.

Beare thy directions. But diuide we now
The sacrifises tongues; mixe wine; and vow
To Neptune, and the other euer blest;
That hauing sacrifisd, we may to rest.
The fit houre runnes now; light diues out of date;
At sacred feasts, we must not sit too late.
She said: They heard; the Herald water gaue;
The youths crownd cups with wine; and let all haue
Their equall shares; beginning from the cup,
Their parting banquet. All the Tongues cut vp;
The fire they gaue them; sacrifisde, and rose;
Wine, and diuine rites, vsde to each dispose;
Minerua and Telemachus desirde
They might to ship be, with his leaue, retirde.
He (mou'd with that) prouokt thus their abodes:
Now Ioue forbid, and all the long-liu'd Gods,
Your leauing me, to sleepe aboord a ship:
As I had drunke of poore Penias whip,
Euen to my nakednesse; and had nor sheete,
Nor couering in my house; that warme nor sweete
A guest, nor I my selfe, had meanes to sleepe;
Where I, both weeds and wealthy couerings keepe
For all my guests: nor shall Fame euer say,
The deare sonne of the man Vlysses, lay
All night a ship boord here; while my dayes shine;
Or in my Court, whiles any sonne of mine
Enioyes suruiuall: who shall guests receiue,
Whom euer, my house hath a nooke to leaue.
My much lou'd Father, (said Minerua) well
All this becomes thee. But perswade to dwell
This night with thee thy sonne Telemachus;
For more conuenient is the course for vs,
That he may follow to thy house, and rest.
And I may boord our blacke saile; that addrest
At all parts I may make our men; and cheare
All with my presence; since of all men there


I boast my selfe the senior; th' others are
Youths, that attend in free and friendly care,
Great-sould Telemachus; and are his peeres,
In fresh similitude of forme and yeeres.
For their confirmance, I will therefore now
Sleepe in our blacke Barke. But when Light shall shew
Her siluer forehead; I intend my way
Amongst the Caucons; men that are to pay
A debt to me, nor small, nor new. For this,
Take you him home; whom in the morne dismisse,
With chariot and your sonnes; and giue him horse
Ablest in strength, and of the speediest course.

Disparet Minerua.

This said; away she flew; formd like the fowle

Men call the Ossifrage; when euery soule

Nestor Telemacho.

Amaze inuaded: euen th' old man admir'd;

The youths hand tooke, and said: O most desir'd;
My hope sayes, thy proofe will no coward show,
Nor one vnskild in warre; when Deities now
So yong attend thee, and become thy guides:
Nor any of the heauen-housde States besides;
But Tritogenias selfe; the seed of Ioue;
The great in prey; that did in honor moue
So much about thy Father; amongst all
The Grecian armie. Fairest Queene, let fall
On me like fauours: giue me good renowne;
Which, as on me; on my lou'd wife, let downe,
And all my children. I will burne to thee
An Oxe right bred, brode headed, and yoke-free,
To no mans hand yet humbled. Him will I
(His hornes in gold hid) giue thy Deitie.
Thus praid he; and she heard; and home he led
His sonnes, and all his heapes of kindered;
Who entring his Court royall; euery one
He marshald in his seuerall seate and throne.
And euery one, so kindly come, he gaue
His sweet-wine cup; which none was let to haue
Before this leuenth yeare, landed him from Troy;
Which now the Butleresse had leaue t'employ.
Who therefore pierst it, and did giue it vent.
Of this, the old Duke did a cup present
To euery guest: made his maid many a praire
That weares the Shield fring'd with his nurses haire;
And gaue her sacrifise. With this rich wine
And food suffisde, Sleepe, all eyes did decline.
And all for home went: but his Court alone,
Telemachus, diuine Vlysses sonne,
Must make his lodging, or not please his heart.
A bed, all chequerd with elaborate Art,


Within a Portico, that rung like brasse,
He brought his guest to; and his bedfere was
Pisistratus, the martiall guide of men,
That liu'd, of all his sonnes, vnwed till then.
Himselfe lay in a by-roome, farre aboue,
His bed made by his barren wife, his loue.
The rosie-fingerd morne, no sooner shone,
But vp he rose, tooke aire, and sat vpon
A seate of white, and goodly polisht stone,
That such a glosse as richest ointments wore.
Before his high gates; where the Counsellor
That matcht the Gods (his Father) vsde to sit:
Who now (by Fate forc't) stoopt as low as it.
And here sate Nestor, holding in his hand
A Scepter; and about him round did stand
(As early vp) his sonnes troope; Perseus,
The God-like Thrasimed, and Aretus,
Echephron, Stratius; the sixt and last
Pisistratus; and by him (halfe embrac't
Still as they came) diuine Telemachus;
To these spake Nestor, old Gerenius:
Haste (loued sonnes) and do me a desire,

Nestoris filij patris iussu Mineruæ sacrum apparant.

That (first of all the Gods) I may aspire
To Pallas fauour; who vouchsaft to me,
At Neptunes feast, her sight so openly.
Let one to field go; and an Oxe with speed
Cause hither brought; which, let the Heardsman leade;
Another to my deare guests vessell go,
And all his souldiers bring, saue onely two.
A third, the Smith that works in gold, command
(Laertius) to attend; and lend his hand,
To plate the both hornes round about with gold;
The rest remaine here close. But first, see told
The maids within, that they prepare a feast;
Set seates through all the Court: see strait addrest
The purest water; and get fuell feld.
This said; not one, but in the seruice held
Officious hand. The Oxe came led from field;
The Souldiers troopt from ship; the Smith he came,

The forme of the Sacrifice.

And those tooles brought, that seru'd the actuall frame,
His Art conceiu'd; brought Anvile, hammers brought,
Faire tongs, and all, with which the gold was wrought.
Minerua likewise came, to set the Crowne
On that kind sacrifice, and mak't her owne.
Then th' old Knight Nestor gaue the Smith the gold,
With which he strait did both the hornes infold;
And trimm'd the Offering so, the Goddesse ioyd.
About which, thus were Nestors sonnes employd:


Diuine Echephron, and faire Stratius,
Held both the hornes: the water odorous
In which they washt, what to the rites was vowd,
Aretus (in a caldron, all bestrowd
With herbes and flowres) seru'd in from th' holy roome
Where all were drest; and whence the rites must come.
And after him, a hallowd virgin came,
That brought the barley cake, and blew the flame.
The axe, with which the Oxe should both be feld
And cut forth, Thrasimed stoodby and held.
Perseus the vessell held, that should retaine
The purple licour of the offering slaine.
Then washt, the pious Father: then the Cake
(Of barley, salt, and oile made) tooke, and brake.
Askt many a boone of Pallas; and the state
Of all the offering, did initiate.
In three parts cutting off the haire, and cast
Amidst the flame. All th' inuocation past,
And all the Cake broke; manly Thrasimed
Stood neare, and sure; and such a blow he laid
Aloft the offring; that to earth he sunke,
His neck-nerues sunderd, and his spirits shrunke.
Out shriekt the daughters, daughter in lawes, and wife
Of three-ag'd Nestor, (who had eldest life
Of Clymens daughters) chast Eurydice.
The Oxe on broad earth, then layd laterally,
They held, while Duke Pisistratus, the throte
Dissolu'd and set, the sable blood afflote;
And then the life the bones left. Instantly
They cut him vp; apart flew either Thie;
That with the fat they dubd, with art alone;
The throte-briske, and the sweet-bread pricking on.
Then Nestor broild them on the cole-turnd wood,
Powr'd blacke wine on; and by him yong men stood,
That spits fine-pointed held, on which (when burnd
The solid Thies were) they transfixt, and turnd
The inwards, cut in cantles: which (the meate
Vowd to the Gods, consum'd) they rost and eate.
In meane space, Polycaste (calld the faire,
Nestors yongst daughter) bath'd Vlysses heire;
Whom, hauing cleansd, and with rich balmes bespred;
She cast a white shirt quickly o're his head,
And then his weeds put on; when, forth he went,
And did the person of a God present.
Came, and by Nestor tooke his honourd seate,
This pastor of the people. Then, the meate
Of all the spare parts rosted; off they drew;
Sate, and fell to. But soone the temperate few,


Rose, and in golden bolles, filld others wine.
Till, when the rest felt thirst of feast decline;
Nestor his sonnes bad, fetch his high-man'd horse,
And them in chariot ioyne, to runne the course
The Prince resolu'd. Obaid, as soone as heard
Was Nestor by his sonnes; who strait prepar'd
Both horse and chariot. She that kept the store,
Both bread and wine, and all such viands more,
As should the feast of Ioue-fed Kings compose;
Pouruaid the voyage. To the rich Coach, rose
Vlysses sonne; and close to him ascended

Telemachus proficiscitur ad Menelaum.

The Duke Pisistratus; the reines intended,
And scourg'd, to force to field, who freely flew;
And left the Towne, that farre her splendor threw.
Both holding yoke, and shooke it all the day;
But now the Sunne set, darkning euery way,
When they to Pheris came; and in the house
Of Diocles (the sonne t'Ortilochus,
Whom flood Alpheus got) slept all that night:
Who gaue them each due hospitable rite.
But when the rosie-fingerd morne arose,
They went to Coach, and did their horse inclose;
Draue forth the fore-court, and the porch that yeelds
Each breath a sound; and to the fruitfull fields
Rode scourging still their willing flying Steeds;
Who strenuously performd their wonted speeds.
Their iourney ending iust when Sunne went downe;
And shadowes all wayes through the earth were throwne.