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In honour of the Author by Tho: Campion Doctor in Physicke. To the Reader.

Prefixed to Barnabe Barnes's Foure Bookes of Offices: Enabling Privat persons for the special service of all good Princes and Policies, 1606.

Though neither thou doost keepe the Keyes of State,
Nor yet the counsels (Reader) what of that?
Though th'art no Law-pronouncer mark't by fate,
Nor field-commander (Reader) what of that?
Blanch not this Booke; for if thou mind'st to be
Vertuous, and honest, it belongs to thee.
Here is the Scoole of Temperance, and Wit,
Of Justice, and all formes that tend to it;
Here Fortitude doth teach to live and die,
Then, Reader, love this Booke, or rather buy.