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II. Chap. ii.

If thou would'st serve the God of Heaven (my Son)
Love Righteousnes; with resolution
Prepare thy selfe t' endure the strong Assaults
Of slye Temptation; scorne the poore Revolts
Of humane frailtye; Let thy Passions be
Subdu'd and Conquer'd by thy Constancy.
Be still attent to wisedome, and when ere
Sorrowes assaile thee, Hope in God, with Feare;
Expect from Him, and patiently attend,
That thou mayest be rewarded at thy End;
Abide what happen shall, with Fortitude,
And though Afflictions Change & be renew'd,
Let not thy Soule be troubled; for as 't is
To Gold and Silver, in hot furnaces,
An exact way of tryall, and doth render
The Mettall pure, giveing it worth and Splendor;
Soe Man is tryed and valu'd, as he can
Resist the Batteries of Affliction;
Adversitie the Manners doth refine,
And Adds to Vertue an Immortall Shine.
Be constant in the God of Heau'n, confide,
Hee will assist thee, and thy footsteps gvide:
Continue firme in thy Resolues of feare,
And let it Shine vpon thy Silver Haire.
You that Feare him, wait, and expect with Ioy,
For Mercy; neither waver, lest you dye:
Trust in him, you that feare him, and you may


Expect a blessing, which he vowes to pay.
Oh, you that trust in him, let your desires
Be purged in the bright & holy fires
Of Innocence and Vertue, and your Eyes
Fixt on his Mercye and Eternall Ioyes;
And you that Feare him, Love him; which shall give
Ioy to the Heart, in fullnes, whil'st you live.
Looke backe to former Ages, and then stay,
T' examine well, and seriously Survay
If thou was ever one, Iust and vpright,
Of Life vnblemish't, and of humble Spright,
Zealous to God-ward; If ere such a One:
Know Death at all, or saw Confusion:
Whom, whom, hath he forsaken, that but hath
Trusted in him? Or on whom ha's this wrath
Of Heav'n falne, if he to God haue beene
Devout in soule, in hands vnspotted, Cleene?
For God is gratious, and doth looke vpon
The offence of Mankind with Compassion;
Preserveth Sinners in Temptation;
Is a Support and true Salvation.
Woe vnto Them, they many woes shall find,
Who haue a Devious and a froward Mind;
To those of Lying Lips and bloodie Hands,
And to the Sinner that 'twixt two waies stands.
Woe to the Reprobate! whose timerous soule
Vpon the Waves of Doubts and Passions roule;
Hee not beleiveth, therfore shall he be,
(Renouncing Heav'n) vext with Impietye.


Woe vnto you, perverse in Manners, and
You of a bitter Soule, who tott'ring stand,
In a darke Slippery way; what will you doe,
When God in Iustice comes to visit you?
They will not be repugnant, nor Dissent,
Who feare the Lord, from his Commandement;
And such as him Adore, Sin cannot move
Them, in the Waies of Ioy, of Peace, of Love.
Those that feare him will bend their faculties
To doe the things are pleasing in his Eies;
And those that Love him, and in Truth abide,
Shall stand before him and be Iustified.
They that feare him, will, with Sobrietye
Prepare their hearts, and in Humilitye
New vest their Soules; before him they will be
Constant in faith with true Integritye;
And wait his pleasure; Saying, if wee shall
For Sin be impenitent, we doe not fall
Into the Hands of Men, but God shall see,
And wee must fall to his Severitie;
Yet as he is in Iustice, soe he can
Have mercy, and be gratious to Man.