University of Virginia Library


Off Jacke, and, Tom



WHATT: suddayne Chance hath darkt of late
the glorye of th'Arcadian State
the ffleecye fflockes, reffuse to feede
the Lambes to playe the Ewes to breede.
The Altars smoak the Offringes Burne
that Jacke and Tom, may safe Returne.
The Springe neglects his Course to keepe
the Ayre contynuall stormes doth weepe
The prettye Byrdes, disdayne to singe
the Meades to smyle, the Woodes to springe
The Mountaynes droppe the ffountaynes mourne
tyll Jacke and Tom, doe safe Returne.
Whatt, maye they bee that move this woe
whose want afflicts Arcadia soe
The hope of Greece the propp of Artes
was prencely Jacke the joye of hartes,
And Tom, was to our Royall Pan
his truest Swayne and cheiffest Man.
The loftye toppes of Menalus
did shake with wynde ffrom Hesperus
Whose freshe delitious Ayres did fflye
through all the Boundes of Arcadye
Which mou'd a vayne in Jack and Tom,
to see the Coast, this wynde, came ffrom.
This wynd, was Love which prences stoute
to pages turnes, butt whoe cann doubte
Where equall ffortune, Love procures
and equall Love, successe assures
Butt ventrous Jacke shall bring to Greece
The Beauteous prize, the golden ffleece.


Love is a world of manye Spaynes
where Coldest Hilles, and hottest playnes
With Barren Rockes, and ffertyle ffeildes,
by turne dispayre, and Comffort yeildes.
Butt whoe can doubte of prosperous lucke
where Love, and ffortune, doth conducte.
Thie grandsire greate, thie ffather to
were thine examples, this to doe
Whose brave attempts, in heate of Love,
both ffraunce and denmarke, did approve.
Soe Jacke and Tom doe nothing newe
when Love and ffortune they pursue
Kinde Sheappeardes, that haue lou'd them longe
bee not soe rashe, in Censuringe wronge
Correct your ffeares, leaue off to murne
the Heavens will favour there returne,
Remitt the Care, to Royall Pan
of Jacke his Sonne, and Tom, his Man.