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CXLI. Account of Money expended since William Tracy's Departure 1620, September 18–1621, Michaelmas
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CXLI. Account of Money expended since William Tracy's
1620, September 18–1621, Michaelmas

Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (35), pages 151–152
Document in New York Public Library
List of Records No. 209


The Accompt of monies layd out since Mr Tracies dep̱ture .18. Septemb̴r .1620.
vntill Mich̴as .1621.



To Margery Nelme for a yeares wages before hand payd at
her turninge back by Mr Tracy in September 1620. as
her acquitance sheweth} 
xiijs  iiijd 
To Richard Hopkins and Richard Peers whom Mr Tracy
turned backe at Crockampill and sent them to me to
pay their charges there and damages for losse of their
This Hopkins was one of the vndertakers to the
To Old Wilɫm Peers in lieu of his tooles wch were shipped and
caryed away and he turned back at Crockampill and for
his charges there .3. or .4. dayes} 
The charges of Wilɫm Archard lyinge at Crockampill at an
Inne there, sent wth xɫi to Mr Tracy and to further the
dispatches there} 
ijs  vid 
Sent to Mr Tracy .25. Septemb̴r .1620. by Mr Pawlet who
came purposely for it to Nibly to supply the want of Mr
Tracy and his company at Crockampill 
Payd to Richard Smyth and Rob̴t Bisaker whom wee con-
tracted with as vndertakers to the halfes vpon Mr
Tracyes ɫre of .24. Sept. vzt To Smyth iijll͠ and for his
garden seeds xs And to Bisaker .40s. wherof their pots
kettles and pans came to .27s. caryed wth other their
furnitures into Virginia. Payd also by warant of Mr
Berklyes ɫre to whom I sent them for his direcc̃on and
pleasure herein. Soe payd} 
vll͠  xs 
And more .2. dayes before to releeve their wives and children
at Crockampill and Bristoll .22. Sept} 
Lent Mris Godfry at seu9all tymes in Mich̴as and Hillary
Termes .1620. and in Ester Terme .1620. vpon her
Payd vpon Mr Thorpes bill for exchange sent over from Vir-
ginia in May .1620. and received in November next for
after for ling fish and a but of beverage} 
viijll͠  xs 
Payd vpon the bill of exchange or note of Mr Tracy and Mr
Oldisworth wch they took vp of Mr Thomas Daunt
in Ireland at Kingfall in October .1620 driven in thither
by occasion of a leak} 
Payd the 15th of January .1620 to Sr Tho: Roe by the hands
of Mr Maurice Berkley, wch Sr Tho: Roe had that day
payd for cariage of Mr Thorpes .7. ɫres from Virginia to
Marsellis and thence to him to London} 
Payd for white and blue beads 2l—1s—3d and for .36. bed
cords at 6. 7. 8. and 9d the pound peece .22s. And for a
rope for the fishing net at .3d. the pound .vjs. iijd. And
for bookℯ vizt Babingtons workℯ .10s ffrench surgeon
.vs Enchiridion medic̃n 18d Smyth of doctrines .vjd
Toto 17s The barrell to put the p̢misses in .2s 6d porter
& packinge .6d In all sent by the Abigaill .18. Ianuar
iiijll͠  ixs  jd 




To Mr Collingwood Secretary (wch Tho: Combes payd him)
for the copies of the .2. ɫres from the Counsell to Vir-
ginia in August and September .1620. beinge .12. pages} 
Payd him more (wch Tho: Combes also payd him) for the
copy of the ɫre from the Counsell to Virginia .20. ffeb-
ruar 1620. wherof Mr Berkley had a copy sent} 
ijs  vjd 
It̄m payd Robert Lawford wch he layd out in October .1620.
vizt for a whipsawe for Mr Tracy .3s 4d. threshinge of
wheat .12d his charges .14d
vs  vjd 
It̄m payd Toby ffelgate vpon his accompt taken in Iuly
1621. before Sr Tho: Roe and myselfe for p̱te of his
wages as mr in the Supply (over and besides .75l–18s
4d. by him taken vp for fraight of Tobacco and for
transportac̃on of .3. passengers)} 
87ll͠  39—9—11 
To Mr Ewens for the hire of the ship called the Supply
wherin Mr Tracy went after the rate of .21ɫ. the month
over and besides .8ll͠. abated vnto him and besides .40tl
before hand payd to him at the ships dep̱ture from
Bristoll, soe agreed wth him before Sr Thomas Roe, for} 
Sm̃ total 266ɫi—9s—11d
Vnde quarta pars is—66ll͠—12s—5d. ob. q̢ 

Be it remembred that the .6—13—4. hoped to be received of Mr Wilɫms is drowned
in the award made by Mr Barker and Mr Tomlinson.

And the .vll͠ iiijs expected from the Customers for the custome of the brodecloth is
not to be had, because they were not cut out.

And also the .vtl in the last years accompt menc̃oned to be imprest to Mr ffelgate to
buy fish is since accounted for by him.

But there resteth due vnto vs —xjɫ. from Richard Godfry loaned to his wife wherof
viijll͠ is menc̃oned in the foot of the last years accompt.

Also 1s is still owing to vs by Singer the Surgeon wch is also menc̃oned in the last
yeares accompt.

Also there is owinge to vs by the bill of fferdinando Yate —iijn And iiijn by
Nicholas Came for their passage from Virginia.

Also remayneth in Mr Berklyes hands —xjs wherof the 4th p̱te is his owne.

Also in Mr Smythes hands are .38s—8d wherof the .4th p̱te is his owne.

Also there remayneth at Bristoll certayne vessels of sasafraℯ in the custome house,
and some peeces of wallnut tree at Mris Wilɫms house