University of Virginia Library



Sebastian wander'd forth; the garden air
Rush'd on his cheek, nor cool'd the fever there;
He gasp'd for breath. A sparry fountain shot
Its waters in the moonlight: by its grot
He stood, as if the sounds his heart would lull;
His face, so sad, so pale, so beautiful,
Fix'd on the moon, that in her zenith height
Pour'd on his naked brow a flood of light:
Shrined, moveless, silent, in the splendid beam,
He look'd the marble Genius of the stream.
Silence around; but when the night wind sway'd,
Or some roused bird dash'd fluttering through the shade:
For those he had no ear; the starry vault,
The grove, the fount, but fed one whelming thought,
Time, fate, the earth, the glorious heaven above,
Breathed but one mighty dream, that dream was love.