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Flower of Natchez, in thy beauty,
Take, oh take the poet's lay:—
She may claim the minstrel's duty
Who has charm'd his wand'ring way.
She's so sightly,
She's so sprightly,
With a wit so kind, tho' keen,
That this flow'r
Of friendship's hour
I will call sweet Rose d'epine.
Rose d'epine, in love's sweet season
Who would steal one leaf from thee—
May the hand that dares the treason
Feel the thorn that guards the tree!
Then safely, Rose,
Thy sweets repose
Within thy modest leafy screen,
Till hand more meet
Would cull the sweet,
And make his own sweet Rose d'epine.


Other flow'rs in beauty's fleetness
Court the sense, and bloom as fair,
But the sting beneath the sweetness
Makes us touch the rose with care
And may the thorn,
In life's sweet morn,
Guard well the sweets that I have seen,
And gentle be
The hand to thee
That wins and wears sweet Rose d'epine.

On the Mississippi.