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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 133.
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HYMN 133.

[The Floods, O Lord, the Floods do rise]

Psal. 42. 7. All thy Floods and Waves are gone over me.

The Floods, O Lord, the Floods do rise,
They roar, and make a noise;
The Floods break out and swell amain,
And do lift up their voice.
There's many Waters we do see
That threaten us full sore;
The wicked rage and swell in wrath,
O Lord, still more and more.


They all conspire with one heart
How they may thee withstand;
Arise, O Lord, and take our part,
They are in league and band.
The Tents of all the Edomites,
The Ishmaelites also,
The Hagarens and the Moabites,
With divers others too.
Gebal with Amon, and likewise
Doth Amaleck conspire;
The Philistines against thee rise,
With them that dwell at Tyre.
O thou who sits upon the Floods
To rule and govern all,
Break forth upon thine Enemies,
And give them their last fall.