University of Virginia Library

Her Sigh.


She sighs, and has blown over now
The storms that threat'ned in her brow:
The Heaven's now serene and clear,
And bashful blushes do appear,
Th' Errour sh'has found.
That did me wound,
Thus with her od'rous Sigh my hopes are crown'd.


Now she relents, for now I hear
Repentance whisper in my Ear,


Happy repentance! that begets
By this sweet Airy motion heats,
And does destroy
Her Heresie,
That my Faith branded with Inconstancy.


When Thisbe's Pyramus was slain,
This sigh had fetcht him back again,
And such a sigh from Dido's Chest
Wafted the Trojan to her Breast.
Each of her sighs
My Love does prize
Reward, for thousand, thousand Cruelties.


Sigh on, my Sweet, and by thy Breath,
Immortal grown, I'll laugh at Death.
Had Fame so sweet a one, we shou'd
In that regard learn to be good:
Sigh on, my Fair,
Henceforth, I swear,
I could Cameleon turn, and live by Air